When it comes to driving online traffic, you’ve got two main players in the game: ads and organic marketing. But where should you put your money? Let’s discuss. 

Depending on what you’re selling and who you’re selling to, your strategy could go one of two ways. Are you all about selling directly to consumers? Then ads might just be your ticket to success. But if you’re in the B2B world, where building relationships is key, organic marketing could be your golden goose (but more on this later).

Let’s hear from Amanda Rogers, Founder and Chief Creative Officer at Digital Storyteller, as she discusses the age-old dilemma in the video below:

Ready to find out where your marketing dollars should be going? Let’s get into it.

Understanding Organic Vs. Paid Advertising

Before we discuss which type of marketing will work best for your business, let’s review the differences.

Organic Marketing 

Organic advertising is all about attracting attention to your brand naturally. It involves creating valuable content and optimizing it so that it shows up in places like search engine results or social media feeds without paying for placement.

Examples of organic advertising include:

  • Writing blog posts for your website
  • Encouraging customers to leave reviews and testimonials
  • Posting updates on social media without boosting them with ad money
  • Creating videos for YouTube

In organic advertising, you’re relying on the quality and relevance of your content to draw people in and maintain a relationship, rather than paying for visibility upfront.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising, on the other hand, is like renting space to get noticed. With paid advertising, you’re paying money to platforms like Google or Facebook to display your ads to specific audiences.

Examples of paid advertising include:

  • Running Google ads that appear at the top of search results
  • Promoting posts on social media to reach a larger audience
  • Placing banner ads on websites or sponsoring content

In paid advertising, you’re essentially paying for guaranteed visibility, but each time someone interacts with your ad, it costs you money.

Which Will Work Best For Your Business?

As we’ve mentioned, your type of business dictates which type of marketing will work best for you.

For DTC Businesses: Paid Marketing is a Fit

If you’re selling lip gloss directly to the customer – absolutely you should probably invest in ads and you can click off this blog right now because we can’t help you with that (but thanks for visiting!)

For B2B Businesses: Organic Marketing Works

Many B2B business owners think “well, why would I bother with organic marketing when I can just pay Google to show up first under people’s searches? They’ll click on the ad and I’ll get the business and that’ll be great.“

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’ll be honest: we find that is not how people are shopping for what they want with B2B businesses. Instead, they’re doing their homework – they’re doing their own research, they’re visiting your website, they’re checking out your LinkedIn.

What does this tell us?  You need to have a trusted relationship with somebody before they’re going to give you their business. And, to build this B2B relationship, you will want to invest in organic marketing.

In summary, for our DTC friends, paid ads are your ticket to success. But for us in the B2B space, organic marketing is the secret sauce to building those long-lasting client relationships.

What Organic Marketing Can Look Like for Your B2B Company

Organic marketing for B2B companies takes on various forms, each aimed at cultivating meaningful connections, establishing industry authority, and driving sustainable growth. Let’s explore what organic marketing can look like for your B2B company:

Thought Leadership Content

Publishing insightful blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, and industry reports can position your company as a thought leader in your field. By sharing valuable insights and expertise, you can attract the attention of potential customers and establish credibility within your industry.

Social Media Engagement

Active participation on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and industry-specific forums allows you to engage with your target audience on a personal level. Share relevant content, participate in discussions, and provide helpful advice to build relationships with prospects and industry peers.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing remains a powerful tool for B2B companies to nurture leads and maintain ongoing communication with clients. Sending personalized emails with valuable content, updates, and exclusive offers can keep your brand top-of-mind and drive engagement.

Webinars and Virtual Events

Hosting webinars, workshops, and virtual events tailored to your target audience’s interests and pain points can position your company as a trusted advisor. These interactive sessions allow you to showcase your expertise, educate prospects, and generate leads in a more personalized setting.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimizing your website and content for search engines is essential for organic visibility and traffic generation. Conduct keyword research, optimize meta tags and descriptions, and create high-quality, informative content that addresses your audience’s needs and queries.

Client Testimonials and Case Studies

Sharing success stories, client testimonials, and case studies can provide social proof of your company’s capabilities and the value you deliver to clients. Highlighting real-world examples of how your solutions have helped businesses overcome challenges can build trust and confidence among potential customers.

By leveraging these organic marketing strategies, B2B companies can foster meaningful relationships, establish thought leadership, and drive sustainable growth over time. Organic marketing may require patience and consistency, but the long-term benefits of building authentic connections and trust far outweigh the initial investment.

Why Organic Marketing Matters

Building Trust and Credibility

  • Authenticity allows businesses to establish themselves as trusted authorities.
  • Consistently deliver valuable content and engage authentically to build trust.

Establishing Thought Leadership

  • Showcase expertise and become thought leaders in your field.
  • Share valuable insights and industry trends to attract potential customers.

Driving Sustainable Growth

  • Focus on long-term success by investing in content creation and engagement.
  • Generate a steady stream of organic traffic and leads for stability and growth.

Enhancing Brand Loyalty

  • Deepen connections with personalized experiences and tailored content.
  • Foster brand loyalty and turn customers into brand advocates.

Maximizing ROI

  • Prioritize organic traffic and engagement to achieve a higher ROI over time.
  • Reduce reliance on paid advertising and enjoy long-term benefits.

Organic marketing offers a pathway to building meaningful relationships, establishing industry authority, and driving sustainable growth for your business. 

Learn More About Digital Storyteller

So, are you ready to save money on ads so you can spend it on wine? Us too. At Digital Storyteller, we specialize in organic marketing for financial services companies. If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency that will grow your business better than just pushing paid ads, contact our team today.

Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to make the LinkedIn algorithm work for you! If you want to improve your LinkedIn game and ensure that your posts get seen by the right people, you’re in the right place. And to sweeten the deal, we’ve got a free download at the end of this blog post (you’re welcome.) 

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the LinkedIn algorithm. We’ll explain how LinkedIn categorizes posts, how to avoid being flagged as spam, and how to achieve high-quality status. We’ll also share tips on how to make the most of the golden hour, when to post, how to encourage engagement, and what not to do.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of how the LinkedIn algorithm works and be equipped with the knowledge to take your LinkedIn game to the next level. So, let’s get started!

When you post, LinkedIn puts it in one of three categories.

These categories are: 

  • ​​Spam
  • Low quality
  • High quality

How to Avoid Being Categorized as Spam

So, how can you avoid being flagged as spam? It’s easy, just follow these simple tips:

  • Use good grammar
  • Limit the number of links in your post
  • Tag no more than five people
  • Avoid posting too frequently (wait at least three hours between posts)
  • Don’t use engagement bait (like asking for likes, comments, or follows)
  • Avoid using hashtags like “follow,” “comment,” or “like.”

But, How Do You Achieve High-quality Status? 

That’s where things get tricky. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Only tag people who you know will respond to your post
  • Use around three hashtags, with one being broad, one slightly more niche, and the last very niche (for example: “#socialmedia,” “#b2bsocialmedia”)
  • Format your post for readability
  • Focus on niche topics instead of broad ones
  • Encourage engagement by asking questions
  • Avoid using outbound links (put them in the comments)
  • Use strong keywords to help your post get discovered.

LinkedIn Golden Hour

What’s the deal with golden hour, you ask? It’s not just a trendy Instagram filter – it’s the first hour after you drop a post on LinkedIn. And trust us, you want to make that hour count. 

LinkedIn measures the initial engagement to see if it’s worthy of moving on into other people’s feeds. If your post does well in the first hour, it’s much more likely to do well all day, week, or month. 

In other words, if you can generate some buzz in that first hour, you’re on your way to LinkedIn fame and fortune. But if crickets are chirping during the golden hour, it’s like your post has been condemned to social media purgatory. So don’t waste your time on lackluster posts – give them the golden hour treatment they deserve!

Let’s talk LinkedIn Golden Hour Do’s and Don’ts

Not sure where to start? We got you covered. 


  • Post when your followers are most active online to increase the chances of them seeing it.
  • Get people talking by asking a question or encouraging discussion in the comments.
  • Boost your post’s visibility by engaging with other posts around the same time you share yours.
  • Stick to a consistent posting schedule so your followers know when to expect new content from you.
  • And most importantly, don’t forget to respond to anyone who engages with your post. It’s the polite thing to do!


  • Set it and forget it! Make sure to return to your post and engage with any comments.
  • Tag more than one person unless you’re confident at least one will respond within an hour.
  • Refrain from editing your post once it’s up. I’ve noticed this tends to weaken its reach.

If people are liking, commenting on or sharing your post,  you’ll make it through to the next filter (and appear in more feeds!)

So, you’ve made it past the first filter – congratulations! But your journey to world domination on LinkedIn is far from over. The next step is to get people to like, comment, and share your post. Think of it like getting a stamp of approval from your audience. The more love you get, the more likely you are to appear in even more feeds. Keep ’em engaged, folks!

If people mark it as spam, hide it from their feed, or just ignore it, LinkedIn is going to penalize your content.

To avoid having your content penalized by LinkedIn, it’s important to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience. This means knowing your target audience, understanding what they want to see, and crafting posts that meet their needs. It’s also important to avoid using spammy tactics like engagement bait or excessive tagging. Instead, focus on creating engaging and valuable content that encourages likes, comments, and shares. 

As long as it keeps getting engagement, your post stays in the mix and continues to be distributed in the feed.

On LinkedIn, there are three key factors that influence what appears in your feed. 

  1. Personal connections: To determine which posts are most personally related to members, LinkedIn considers factors such as who you work with/have worked with and who you’ve interacted with before.
  2. Interest relevance: The LinkedIn algorithm evaluates what groups you’re in, the hashtags, people, and pages you follow, and also looks at the language of the post, as well as the companies, people, and topics mentioned in it.
  3. Engagement probability: The algorithm evaluates the likelihood that you will share, comment, or react to a post, and takes into account timely feedback to content creators. The quicker a post starts raking in interactions, the more likely LinkedIn is to include it in the feeds of others. The more you interact with others daily, the more people will engage back, and the more likely you’ll be seen in other people’s feeds.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, understanding the LinkedIn algorithm is crucial for anyone looking to increase their visibility on the platform. The algorithm evaluates factors such as engagement probability, interest relevance, and personal connections to determine the relevance of content to its audience. By following the do’s and don’ts of the golden hour and creating high-quality content that encourages likes, comments, and shares, LinkedIn users can boost their engagement and increase their chances of appearing in more feeds.

Want to optimize your business’s LinkedIn page but not sure where to start? Download our freebie, here.
Read on to learn how to leverage your business using LinkedIn. Then, get in touch with our team to schedule your FREE Brand Storytelling Session.

How They Work Together

The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving. (We know you know this because we remind you of this in nearly every piece of content we push out!) There are, however, a handful of tried and true marketing efforts under the larger umbrella term of ‘digital marketing.’

Because let’s be honest, not all marketing efforts are created equal. Here we will discuss the top seven categories of digital marketing and how they work together. These seven categories of digital marketing are fundamental to the success of your business’s content marketing strategy.

So, let’s get started.

Content Marketing

First, what is content marketing? Content marketing is the bread and butter of what we do at Digital Storyteller.

Content marketing is “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience—and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action,” as put by the Content Marketing Institute.

Today, the traditional sales pitch style of marketing is decreasing in value every day. Instead, content marketing approaches prospective clients by providing useful, relevant content to help solve problems or answer questions. Furthermore, content marketing aims to build trust with your prospective clients rather than simply complete a sale. 

Effective content marketing utilizes the “creating and sharing [of] relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and other media.”

This type of marketing helps to establish expertise and increase brand awareness. The goal is to make sure your business is at the top of your prospect’s mind when the time to purchase a product or service comes.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is another crucial pillar in terms of your digital marketing strategy. SEO, in simple terms, is what allows your content to be found.

For our friends who love definitions, SEO, according to Moz, is “the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.” SEO is how marketers tailor their content to appeal to search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.

For example, you might search ‘affordable chardonnay near me’ on Google. The way that Google then provides results based on your search is determined by SEO. SEO is the tool that tells Google, “Hey! This is what information my website has, this is what I’m talking about, and these are the types of people that would find my website interesting!”

One of our favorite SEO tools to use at Digital Storyteller is Semrush. Semrush is an online tool that collects research on your business’s SEO, pay-per-click (PPC), content, and social media efforts. It can also help you identify keywords you are currently ranking for or targeting.

If you didn’t know, information about ranking keywords is critical to making your way up the Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

For more on all things SEO, check out this article for 10 tips to maximize your SEO efforts, this article we wrote on why SEO is important, or one of our more recent articles on how to effectively combine SEO and content marketing!

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Parallel to SEO, we have SEM. You guessed it, another crucial piece of digital marketing.

SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing, which is, according to Optimizely, “a digital marketing strategy used to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs).”

In the past, SEM typically encompassed both organic and paid search. Today, however, it almost exclusively refers to paid search advertising.

SEM is “the act of using paid strategies to increase search visibility.” Every day, businesses pay big money for their ads to rank first on search engine results pages. Hint: You can tell when businesses are using SEM by the bold “Ad” text that accompanies a search result.

SEO, SEM, why so many acronyms?! While these two may seem like the same thing, they are actually quite different. Learn more about the difference between the two in this article.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is not dead. It has, however, become increasingly difficult to grab the attention of clients and prospects through their inboxes.

Email marketing, as defined by MailChimp, is “a form of direct marketing as well as digital marketing, that uses email to promote your business’s products or services.”

Email marketing can be used to promote your latest items and offers, or it can assist with lead generation, brand awareness, relationship building, and customer engagement. 

The biggest challenge with email marketing is breaking through the noise. The best email marketing experts:

  • Craft compelling campaigns
  • Understand optimal audience outreach
  • And analyze customer interactions and data

Email marketing software companies, including HubSpot, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, and more, help perfect your email marketing campaigns by providing automated email workflow options as well as in-depth email marketing data (i.e. open rates and click-through rates).

Data Analytics

Marketing without data is merely speculation—a guessing game of what you hope will land with your prospects and clients.

At Digital Storyteller, we recognize that data is a crucial part of your digital marketing strategy. When it comes to our analyses, we use Google Analytics (primarily for website data), Semrush (for keyword analytics), and additionally Metricool (to look at social media performance).

Design and Website

As far as design goes, making sure your brand is consistent across all digital and print platforms helps clients and prospects recognize your brand immediately. 

Contrary to popular belief, design—whether for marketing collateral, social media, or a website—is more than just pictures and drawings. Venture and Grow state, “Graphic design is the art of communication that requires creativity and a systematic plan to solve a problem or achieve specific objectives.”

So, what makes effective design in digital marketing?

Effective graphic design “highlight plans to discover what makes [content] genuinely stand out and get shared.”

Additionally, top-notch design helps:

  • Build trust
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Influence the customer decision-making process

Don’t underestimate this component’s power in your digital marketing strategy. After all, you could have amazing content that gets swept under the rug because of poor presentation.

Speaking of design, let’s take a moment to chat about your website. Your business’s site isn’t just an opportunity to showcase your branding and design. Whether or not your site is easy to navigate and structured properly has a huge influence on how (and IF) clients and prospects will interact with your brand.

So, take a minute to ask yourself these questions: Is my website easy to navigate? Is it nice to look at? Does it lead people on a journey to find out more about my business?

Social Media Marketing

Of course, social media is a huge pillar in your digital marketing strategy. The platforms that you use (and that are essential to your digital marketing strategy) depend heavily on your target audience. Ask yourself where your prospects spend the most time, and where they are most likely to be influenced to trust a brand.

To learn which social platforms your business should be on, read our article “Financial Services Companies: Which Social Media Platforms Should You Be On?

Social media marketing includes any content that is released via a business’s social media channels. When it comes to a business, however, it’s not all fun and games. Crafting the perfect social media marketing strategy to fit into your larger digital marketing strategy is more complicated than posting on your own Instagram or LinkedIn.

Social media marketing is integrated and strategic. It takes hard work. Everything that pushes to social media must mirror the messages that are used throughout your business.

Social Media Analytics

Analytics are also crucial to your social media marketing.

This data can help you discover what types of posts do or don’t do well and why. With this data, social media marketers can better tailor their strategies for their business’s benefit.

Digital Storyteller is Here to Help

We know, there is a lot that goes into a successful digital marketing strategy. At Digital Storyteller, we like to think of your digital marketing strategy as a giant system of gears working together. Content is at the heart of this system and drives all of the marketing components like SEO, SEM, social media marketing, and so on.

The system would fail without each gear in place. So, how does your digital marketing strategy measure up? Read on to learn how to measure the success of your digital marketing strategy. You might be surprised by how your business is really doing.

So, you’re delving into the world of SEO. You’re optimizing keywords, refining internal linking, and meticulously structuring your website’s architecture. Now, you’re curious: How long until you see results? And what can you expect those results to look like?

The short answer: SEO results usually start trickling in after about six months. But, you’ll likely see the best results in about two years.

Why the long wait, you ask? Let’s delve into it.

Why Does SEO Take So Long?

Ever wondered why SEO seems like such a slow burn compared to other digital marketing tactics? Well, there are a few reasons behind the scenes that shed some light on this.

First off, let’s talk about Google. When it comes to SEO, Google’s the big player, and it takes its sweet time to find, crawl, and index pages on your website. So, even if you’re churning out top-notch content, Google needs a bit of time to catch up and recognize your efforts.

Then there’s the matter of implementing SEO best practices. It’s not just a matter of flipping a switch and voila! Your site is optimized. Nope, it takes time to sprinkle those keywords, optimize those meta tags, and tweak those headings across all your pages. Plus, you’ve got to prove to Google that you’re in it for the long haul by consistently updating and improving your site.

And let’s not forget about content creation. Sure, you want to flood your site with fresh, juicy content, but that takes time too. From brainstorming ideas to writing and editing, each piece of content requires its own little slice of time before it’s ready to hit the web.

So, while SEO might not deliver instant gratification like some other marketing tactics, remember: good things come to those who wait (and optimize).

SEO Progress Over Time: Insights from Real Data

Let’s examine the data to gain insight into the time it truly takes to see results from SEO efforts. Drawing from a study conducted by Neil Patel, we’ll explore the progress of websites actively engaged in SEO activities, which includes regularly publishing new content, optimizing code, increasing backlinks, and improving loading times, among other strategies.

The results?

  • In the first 6 months, they saw an increase in organic search traffic by 11.4%.
  • In the second 6 months, they saw an increase of 9.58% over the first 6 months.
  • And in the second year, they saw an increase of 49.4% on average over the 1st year.
  • In year 3 they saw an increase of 30.7% over year 2.
  • And in year 4 they saw additional growth of 13.5%.

Keep in mind this data is averaged out. But, it can give you a good idea of what to expect when you consistently contribute to an efficient SEO strategy.

SEO Growth Timeline: What to Expect

Not sure exactly what to expect when you decide to focus on SEO? Let’s take a look at a potential timeline.

Month 1-6: Building a Foundation

During the initial six months of actively focusing on SEO, you’ll be laying the groundwork for future growth. This period is characterized by research, planning, and technical optimizations to improve your website’s visibility and performance.

Research and Planning: Conduct in-depth research on your industry, target audience, and competitors. Identify relevant keywords and develop a strategic SEO plan.

Technical Optimization: Implement technical improvements to enhance website performance, including on-page optimizations, mobile responsiveness, and site speed enhancements.

Content Creation: Develop high-quality, keyword-rich content to address user intent and improve search visibility. Create a content calendar and consistently publish new content.

Link Building: Begin building a diverse backlink profile through guest posting, content promotion, and outreach efforts. Focus on acquiring high-quality, relevant backlinks to boost authority.

Year 1: Initial Growth

In the first year of actively focusing on SEO, you’ll start to see modest yet noticeable improvements in organic search traffic.

Increase in Organic Traffic: Expect to see an average increase of 11.4% in organic search traffic during the first six months. This growth reflects the initial impact of your SEO efforts as search engines begin to index and rank your optimized content.

Continued Optimization: Throughout the year, continue to refine your SEO strategies based on performance data and insights. Fine-tune keyword targeting, content quality, and user experience to maximize results.

Year 2: Accelerated Growth

By the second year, your SEO efforts should yield more significant results as your website gains traction and authority in search engine rankings.

Accelerated Traffic Growth: Experience a 9.58% increase in organic search traffic during the second six months, building upon the momentum from the first year. This growth demonstrates the compounding effects of ongoing optimization and content creation efforts.

Enhanced Visibility: With a solid foundation in place, your website’s visibility in search results will continue to improve, leading to higher rankings and increased organic traffic.

Focus on ROI: Shift your focus towards optimizing for conversions and ROI, aligning your SEO strategy with broader business objectives.

Year 3 and Beyond: Sustained Growth

In the third year and beyond, your SEO efforts will contribute to sustained growth and continued success in organic search.

Consistent Improvement: Experience a 49.4% increase in organic search traffic on average over the first year, demonstrating the long-term impact of effective SEO strategies. Focus on maintaining momentum and capitalizing on opportunities for further optimization.

Adaptation to Trends: Stay abreast of evolving SEO trends and algorithm updates to ensure your strategies remain effective. Continuously monitor performance metrics and adjust your approach as needed to stay ahead of the competition.

Long-Term Strategy: Embrace SEO as an ongoing process and invest in long-term strategies that prioritize sustainable growth and brand visibility.

By following this timeline and leveraging data-driven insights, you can set realistic expectations for SEO growth and achieve lasting success in organic search. 

Now that we’ve covered the growth timeline and the key factors influencing it, let’s delve deeper into the specific elements that shape your SEO journey.

5 Factors That Affect Your SEO Timeline

Your goals, resources, strategy, competition, and website’s history all affect your SEO timeline.

Let’s explore each factor:


Your SEO objectives set the tone for your timeline. Whether you’re aiming for improved rankings, increased organic traffic, or higher conversion rates, each goal requires a different level of commitment and duration.


The amount of time, money, and expertise you invest in SEO significantly impacts your timeline. Adequate resources enable you to execute strategies effectively and expedite progress.


A well-defined SEO strategy is paramount for success. From keyword research to content optimization and link building, each tactic plays a crucial role in shaping your timeline.


 The level of competition within your industry influences the time it takes to achieve SEO results. In highly competitive niches, outpacing rivals and gaining prominence in search results demands extra time and effort.

Website History

The age and history of your website also play a pivotal role. New domains may require more time to establish authority and credibility, while older websites might need to address past SEO issues before witnessing significant improvements.

Understanding the factors influencing your SEO timeline provides valuable insight into your strategy. Now, let’s explore practical ways to expedite your SEO results and achieve your objectives more quickly.

4 Ways to Get SEO Results More Quickly

While SEO may require time to yield significant results, there are strategies you can employ to expedite your journey towards success. Here are four tips to help you get SEO results more quickly:

Focus on Low-Difficulty Keywords

Targeting low-difficulty keywords can lead to faster improvements in rankings. Utilize tools like Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool to identify relevant keywords with lower keyword difficulty scores.

Tweak Pages in Positions 4-10

Pages ranking in positions 4-10 are already deemed relevant by Google. Making minor tweaks to these pages can lead to significant improvements in rankings and click-through rates.

Fix Technical SEO Errors

Conduct a comprehensive technical SEO audit to identify and resolve any issues that may be hindering your site’s performance in search results. Tools like Semrush’s Site Audit can help streamline this process.

Delete or Improve Unhelpful Content

Identify and remove or improve content that fails to meet users’ expectations. Focus on creating high-quality, informative content that resonates with your target audience.

Need a Little Help With Your SEO?

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by all this SEO talk? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. After all, if Google were easy, everyone would be ranking number one!

Enter Digital Storyteller.

Our outsourced digital marketing agency is here to help create content, optimize your site, and make you more relevant to search engines on all social fronts. To develop an organic content marketing strategy with the SEO you need to make your business thrive, reach out to our diverse team of marketing experts today!

Navigating the world of B2B marketing for financial service companies can be quite the challenge. Why? Because it takes more than just a hodgepodge of tools; it demands strategies that adapt to innovation and a cohesive system where all components work in sync to achieve success. In plain terms – everything from your website, social media posts, emails, and blogs must form a unified marketing strategy. 

But don’t worry – we’re breaking down the system, component by component, to help you create a cohesive strategy (and we’re even including a downloadable content calendar… you’re welcome).  Let’s dive in!

Website: The Core

Your website serves as the central hub where potential clients can learn about your financial services and the value you bring to the table. A user-friendly, informative website is essential for attracting and engaging your target audience. 

Website Tips:

Optimize User Experience (UX): Ensure easy navigation, appealing design, and responsiveness across devices for an engaging user experience.

Clear Value Proposition: Communicate unique benefits concisely using visuals to address client challenges.

High-Quality Content: Feature informative blogs, whitepapers, and case studies to establish credibility and address audience pain points.

Strategic CTAs: Guide visitors with well-placed CTAs for actions like subscribing, consulting, or resource downloading.

Lead Capture: Use forms for valuable resources in exchange for contact details to build your email list.

Testimonials and Case Studies: Display client stories for trust and showcasing successful outcomes.

SEO Optimization: Improve visibility with keyword-optimized content for organic traffic. (but more on this later!)

Fast Loading Speed: Ensure quick loading by compressing images, minimizing plugins, and optimizing code.

Security Measures: Prioritize SSL certificates and regular updates for visitor confidence.

Analytics and Tracking: Implement Google Analytics to refine your strategy based on data.

What is the Best Platform for Websites? We Vote WordPress

WordPress is the ultimate choice for websites, catering to diverse needs from simple blogs to complex e-commerce setups. With clean code, SEO enhancement, robust community support, and easy scalability, it empowers you to create a responsive, budget-friendly, and user-centric online presence.

Social Media 

Your social media presence is a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. It serves a dual purpose: supporting your brand’s message and driving valuable traffic back to your website. 

Platforms for Brand Awareness

Your profile, posts, and visuals should reflect your brand’s essence, forming a recognizable and memorable digital footprint. 

Engaging Strategies

Your audience should not only pause to admire your posts but also feel compelled to interact, share, and engage. How do you achieve this? By tapping into their preferences, addressing their pain points, and crafting content that resonates on a personal level. Whether it’s a thought-provoking question that ignites discussions or a visually captivating infographic that simplifies complex concepts – your strategies should serve as a bridge that leads them from a casual scroll to a click that lands them on your website.

Effective Post Types

Let’s get practical. Here’s what works:

Informative Infographics: Decode financial jargon with visuals – you’re making complexity a breeze.

Expert Insights: Share nuggets of financial wisdom, from investing insights to tax tips.

Real Success Stories: Showcase your knack for turning financial challenges into triumphs.

Interactive Polls: Engage by asking their thoughts on financial trends – their opinions matter.

Quick Trivia: Sprinkle in interesting financial facts to keep things engaging.

Behind-the-Scenes: Offer a glimpse into your world – it humanizes your brand.

Remember, it’s a mix of entertainment and education. Make your social media a space where followers can learn, engage, and find value.

Emails: Campaigns, Engaging Subject Lines, and More

Referral Partner Campaigns:

Staying top of mind with the people who refer you business is probably the fastest way to see increased revenue. Your referral partners effectively walk you into deals with a 5star recommendation. Make sure you share updates, insights and new offerings with this demographic regularly. Share your one-pager, share your new-business wins and share team highlights to stay connected.  

Client Nurture & Upsell:

Client nurture & upsell emails are a powerful tool to strengthen your relationships with existing clients. These emails focus on providing existing clients with a deeper look into all the services you provide. You would be amazed that your clients don’t know that you can offer services beyond the scope of work they receive.  A strong client workflow ensures your existing clients do go elsewhere for a service you could provide them. 

Prospect Emails:

Prospect emails are a tough vertical to master.  These are the emails that get deleted, overlooked, and ignored in your own inbox.  Finding strategies to get in the door through email marketing is the holy grail for marketers.  Think about what your clients struggle with. What is the “inciting incident” in the drama of their lives that brought them to you?  What problem can you solve for them? Now, be very clear on your subject lines.  Let tehm know what value they’ll get by reading your email. Then be sure to add calls to action that will help you determine whether or not your message is resonating.  Give something before you ask for something. Download this free forecaster template/ checklist for tax season/ how to walkthrough.  Do not sell them something, give them something

Former Clients – Stay in Touch:

While former clients may not be actively using your services at the moment, keeping them engaged ensures that your brand remains fresh in their minds. This opens the door to potential future opportunities, referrals, or even repeat business. A simple “hello” or periodic updates can go a long way in maintaining a positive relationship with your former clients. We like to put them on a newsletter list. 

Newsletters:  Connect, Educate, Inspire:

Oh, the dreaded newsletter. What will we say? Will they read it? Who has time for this?  We like to say a newsletter should connect, inspire and educate.  Here’s how:

Connect: Highlight your team, a client, an event or a case study.  Connection is a human to human interaction.  Share something that’s either fun or meaningful, not just your LI CV. 

Inspire: Do you volunteer as a company? Sponsor a charity? Do you have a favorite quote or a book or podcast? Inspire people to see you as more than a vendor. 

Educate: If you’re writing blogs that inform and solve problems, this part is easy! Pick a blog: highlight the major point it makes and add a link and teaser to the email.  

Your monthly social posts highlighting the team, your website case studies, and your blog posts combined will give you all the content you could possibly need for your newsletter, making it easy to put together! 

How to Write a Good Subject Line for Partners, Clients and Prospects

​​Crafting compelling email subject lines is essential for engaging partners, clients, and prospects. A well-crafted subject line can make the difference between your email being opened or ignored. Here are some tips for writing effective subject lines for each audience:

For Partners:

Personalize It: Use the partner’s name or company name to create a personalized touch.

Example: “Can you help us refer better clients to you, [Partner Name]?”

Highlight what YOU can do for THEM. You’re giving before asking and that’s important.

Example: “How would you like us to refer clients to you?”

Time-Sensitive Emails: Create urgency with time-bound opportunities.

Example: “Hi [Partner Name] did you get our invitation?” ← this strategy really only works if you are hosting an event. 

For Clients:

Acknowledge Their Needs: Address their pain points or challenges directly.

Example: “When interest rates rise, here are 3 steps you can take to address your rising debt costs”

Results-Oriented: Highlight the outcomes or results they can expect from your services.

Example: “Profitability hacks – 2 easy steps”

Personal Touch: Mention any recent interactions or previous discussions to add a personal touch.

Example: “Great Meeting Last Week, [Client Name]! Here’s an overview of what we discussed”

For Prospects:

Curiosity-Piquing: Spark curiosity to encourage them to open the email.

Example: “Discover the Key to Financial Success…”

Benefit-Driven: Clearly state the value they will gain from opening the email.

Example: “How [Your Service] Can Transform Your Financial Future”

Beyond Words: Why Blogs are Important and How to Use AI to Help You Write Them

Blogs play a pivotal role in the success of your B2B financial services marketing strategy. Their multifaceted benefits encompass more than just providing information. For example, blogs can help your company:

Showcase Industry Authority (You Get to Prove That You Know What You’re Talking About!): In the world of financial services, establishing yourself as a trusted authority is paramount. Blogs create a space for you to demonstrate your industry expertise. This not only fosters credibility but also positions you as a go-to resource for valuable information. 

Enhance Search Engine Visibility: Regular, high-quality blog posts with SEO-friendly keywords can significantly boost your website’s search engine ranking. As search engines recognize your website as a hub of relevant information, your online visibility improves, driving organic traffic and increasing the chances of lead generation. 

Nurture and Engage Leads: Blogs are a versatile tool for lead nurturing. You can utilize AI-generated analytics to gain insights into which topics resonate most with your audience. This data-driven approach enables you to refine your content strategy, focusing on subjects that hold the greatest appeal and relevance.

Stay Current and Relevant (We’ll be real: No one Wants Your Last Blog Post to be Two Years Ago): The financial sector is in a constant state of evolution. Blogs allow you to stay abreast of industry shifts, regulatory updates, and emerging trends. By consistently delivering timely and insightful content, you position your brand as a thought leader that clients can rely on for up-to-date information.

Humanize Your Brand:. Sharing anecdotes, real-life experiences, and unique insights humanizes your brand, making it relatable and fostering stronger connections with your audience.

How to Use AI for Advanced Blog Writing

Incorporating AI technology into your blog writing process can help you to be more efficient, creative and precise. The danger of course with AI is – it’s a machine – it sounds like a machine, it thinks like a machine… So you have to help it… a lot. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to effectively utilize AI in your blog writing strategy:

Videos turned into blogs: 

Video is a powerful tool and, until the advent of ChatGPT, turning a transcript of a video into a well-written blog was a time-intensive task.  If you’re making videos you’ll have 4 – 6 ready to go at a time.  Once you’ve added subtitles and gotten a transcript that’s where AI can really help. ADd your transcript with very specific direction on tone, main ideas, and structure, and let the machine do the heavy listing for you.  THe result: A good first draft with structure and main ideas that is unique to YOUR company because YOU made the video. 

Topic Generation and Research:

AI-powered tools can assist in generating relevant and trending topics within the financial services industry. By analyzing data from various sources, these tools can identify popular subjects, emerging trends, and key keywords that resonate with your target audience.

Content Outline and Structure:

Begin by creating an outline for your blog using AI. These tools can help organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas. By structuring your content beforehand, you’ll have a solid foundation to build upon.

Draft Creation:

AI-generated drafts are a powerful starting point. These drafts are based on language patterns and can mimic your writing style.  Just remember to have a human edit and add content before you hit publish! 

Grammar and Style Enhancement:

AI-powered grammar and style checkers can help refine your content. These tools identify grammatical errors, suggest sentence improvements, and ensure your writing is consistent with your brand’s voice and tone.

Keyword Optimization for SEO:

AI can suggest relevant keywords, analyze keyword density, and provide recommendations to improve your blog’s search engine visibility and ranking.

Combining These Components: How to Create a Content Calendar

Set Clear Objectives

Begin by defining your content calendar’s objectives, aligning them with your broader marketing goals. Determine how your content contributes to brand awareness, lead generation, or other key outcomes.

Establish Consistency

Consistency is king. Set a predictable content schedule—whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly—to engage your audience and reinforce your brand presence.

Brainstorm and Plan

Gather your team for a focused brainstorming session. Generate content ideas that resonate with your target audience and are tailored to your company’s services.

Allocate Resources

Ensure your team is equipped to execute your plan. Assign tasks and responsibilities for each content piece.

Monitor, Analyze, and Adapt

Regularly review performance metrics, analyzing engagement rates and conversions. Use insights to refine your content strategy and focus on what works.

Free Template Download

To kick-start your content calendar, download our template:

Download Free Content Calendar Template

How Components Collaborate

Now that we’ve discussed each component, let’s break down how they all work together to create a successful strategy. 

Blogs Fuel Social Engagement:

Blogs are the cornerstone of your content strategy, offering rich insights into financial topics. Extracting key points, you craft compelling social media posts. This entices curiosity, drives traffic, and elevates your brand’s stature.

Emails Amplify Blogs:

Emails nurture relationships and deliver value. Capitalize on new blogs by sending newsletters to subscribers. This maintains engagement, drives website visits, and fosters lasting trust.

Blogs Click Together for Ultimate Guides:

Over time, your blogs coalesce into comprehensive guides. Expertly curated, these guides become trusted references, showcasing your financial expertise and attracting organic traffic.

Unlocking Synergy: How Sales and Marketing Drive Success in Financial Services

Sales and Marketing: a Match Made in Heaven

We can’t talk about marketing without talking about sales. Why? An effective sales process can significantly benefit marketing efforts in several ways. Here are some key ways in which sales and marketing can work together to enhance overall business success:

Better Targeting: An organized sales process provides valuable feedback to marketing teams. Salespeople can convey information about the characteristics and behaviors of the most profitable customers. This data helps marketers refine their target audience and create more precise, personalized marketing campaigns.

Content Creation: A well-defined sales process highlights the key stages that prospects go through before making a purchase. Marketing teams can use this information to create content that aligns with each stage of the buyer’s journey. This ensures that prospects receive relevant content that addresses their needs and concerns at every step.

Lead Nurturing: Marketing generates leads, but not all leads are immediately ready to buy. An effective sales process includes lead nurturing strategies that keep potential customers engaged until they are ready to make a purchase. Marketing teams can develop and deliver nurturing content (e.g., email campaigns, webinars) in alignment with the sales process.

Message Consistency: A well-structured sales process helps ensure that the messaging used by sales and marketing teams is consistent. When marketing and sales are aligned on the key value propositions, benefits, and messaging, it creates a seamless customer experience and reinforces the company’s brand image.

Data and Analytics: Sales processes generate valuable data on customer interactions, conversion rates, and sales pipeline progression. Marketing teams can use this data to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and strategies, allowing for data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

Feedback Loop: Regular communication between sales and marketing teams fosters a feedback loop. Sales teams can provide insights into which marketing materials and leads are most effective in converting prospects. This feedback informs marketing teams about what is working and what needs adjustments.

Customer Insights: Sales teams are on the front lines and gather firsthand insights into customer pain points, objections, and preferences. This information is invaluable for marketing teams to refine their messaging, product development, and overall strategy to better address customer needs.

Shortened Sales Cycles: An effective sales process can help identify and prioritize high-quality leads, reducing the time it takes to convert prospects into customers. This efficiency benefits marketing efforts by allowing them to focus on generating more leads and nurturing existing ones.

Improved ROI: By aligning sales and marketing efforts and optimizing the sales process, companies can ultimately improve their return on investment (ROI) for marketing initiatives. Marketing resources are better utilized, and sales efforts become more productive.

Scalability: When both sales and marketing teams are aligned and have a clear process in place, it becomes easier to scale operations. As the business grows, the synergy between sales and marketing allows for a smoother expansion into new markets or the introduction of new products and services.

Design: Why Brand Consistency Matters

Your brand is the ambassador for your company.  How consistent is your look and feel from conference setups to social posts.  Do you have old logos on PDFs? Does your sparkly new website match your business cards? 

Design consistency can seem like gilding the lily to those who are not thinking holistically about brand presence but, trust us, it’s very important.  Here are some rules to live by for your company’s branding from a visual perspective.  Adhere to these to ensure you are perceived as being just as professional and expert as you actually are:

Color Pallette:  

  • Make sure to check the brand colors so they match the original template (save correct hex #’s in your brand kit in Canva)
  • Don’t use more than 3 brand colors per page. (2 primary, 1 can be an accent color) This is not a circus.


  • Double check fonts from original templates to make sure you’re using the correct fonts
  • Don’t use more than two fonts per page. See #circus above

Photography Style:  

  • Align photography with the website for the overall brand look/ feel (lighter, darker, overlaid, bright, landscape, people, etc. in images)
  • Use iStock for image consistency, create a “board” of photos.
  • Choose photos that have blank space or areas where text can live – don’t pick super busy images, clutter is hard on the end viewer.

Design Elements:

  • Pay attention to what branding elements are used ( circles, squares etc) and be consistent – not raised beveled buttons on a clean square post or design asset.
  • Don’t pick random icons, pay attention to line weight, style and color usage.

Typesetting – 

  • Widows and orphans – Never leave a single word at the bottom of a paragraph if possible. (adjust font size/ box width to fix this).
  • Line Spacing – The gaps between sentences can be adjusted. 1.4 is the most comfortable space but can be shrunk to 1.2 or expanded to 1.8 to better fill space. (this can be adjusted depending on how much type there is)
  • Character Spacing – The space between letters can also be adjusted. (all caps should be spread out (tracking))

Layout / Spacing

  • Negative Space – Leave room between elements so the page doesn’t look cluttered. Use boxes to measure distances between items to keep the spacing evenly distributed.
  • Padding – Make sure the padding / spacing is the same on all sides of the text box. 30PX is a good standard.
  • Hierarchy– The most important piece of information needs to be larger / bolded /  higher up, to simplify the concept. These should be set online and referenced on all assets by H1, H2, H3 classes. 

Logo Placement / Usage

  • Make sure the logo is always on the top most layer.
  • If using a dark overlay / use the white version of the logo for best contrast.
  • Pay attention to padding around the logo, there is designated safe space (usually one Capital letter’s width) around the logo to keep it readable.
  • Do not overlay the logo over a busy image, over a line or intersected with a text box. 

Other B2B Marketing Tips for the Financial Services Industry:

Address Clients’ Challenges:

Focus on clients’ needs by adopting an educational approach. Listen, understand pain points, and offer valuable insights to aid informed decisions.

Ensure Communication Accuracy:

Prioritize accuracy. Research thoroughly, fact-check, and cite reputable sources. Build trust through credible and data-driven communication.

Utilize SEO Research:

Conduct SEO research for deeper client understanding. Identify keywords, explore common queries, and tailor content accordingly.

Consistency is Vital:

Maintain consistent content schedules across blogs, videos, and social media to foster client engagement and loyalty.

Harness Video Content:

Videos connect powerfully. Explain complex concepts, showcase services, and personalize messages for effective client resonance.

Smart Search Ad Strategy:

Prioritize organic ranking through SEO before heavy investments in search ads. Establish authority for sustainable results.

Consider YouTube Ads:

Cost-effective YouTube ads can broaden your audience reach, particularly for video-friendly content.

Equip for Quality Videos:

Invest in top-notch equipment for higher video production quality, enhancing brand perception.

Incorporate Captions:

Boost engagement by adding captions to videos, catering to diverse audiences including those without sound.

Track Calls with Precision:

Use call tracking software like CallRail to analyze campaign effectiveness and understand client preferences.

Share Expertise Freely:

Transparency pays off. Offer insights and tips openly to establish trust and position your brand as a credible authority.

Any Questions?

Download our Ultimate Guide to B2B Marketing for Financial Services Companies here (yes, you’ll want to check this out).

The goal of an outsourced digital marketing agency is to understand your business and your brand voice to then let the world know how awesome you are.

We start every engagement with a Brand Storytelling Session where we identify your unique brand voice. Then, our team uses bi-weekly client calls, and shared content calendars to make sure you know what’s happening.

We’ll bring you fresh ideas from our kick-a** creative team from a relationship built on trust. Because that’s the beauty of digital marketing.

For those who are interested in learning more about the difference between outsourced marketing and in-house marketing, read on here.

The Rule of Seven in marketing is a principle suggesting that brands engaging with a customer at least seven times are more likely to earn their trust and ultimately their business. It emphasizes the importance of repeated interactions with potential customers to build familiarity, trust, and credibility over time. This principle underscores the idea that consistent communication and exposure increase the likelihood of converting leads into loyal customers.

So, how does the Rule of Seven actually work?  It’s not about bombarding your prospects with repetitive messages until they cave in. Instead, it’s a strategic approach to nurturing relationships and building familiarity over time. Think of it as laying the groundwork for a meaningful connection.

Mastering the Rule of Seven: Strategies to Reach and Convert Your Audience

Blog Posts: Establishing Expertise and Visibility

Start your journey towards the magic number by crafting blog posts that not only educate but also entertain your audience. Consistent and valuable content showcases your expertise while keeping your brand at the forefront of their minds.

Social Posts: Engaging Across Platforms

Engage your audience on various social media platforms with informative content, intriguing insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your brand’s personality. Interacting with your audience in their preferred spaces helps build rapport and increases brand recognition.

Emails: Personalized Communication for Nurturing Leads

Craft personalized and relevant emails that deliver value to your subscribers. Whether it’s sharing exclusive offers, industry updates, or helpful tips, emails provide a direct line of communication to nurture leads and foster deeper connections.

Videos: Captivating Audiences with Dynamic Content

Leverage the power of video content to convey your message in a dynamic and engaging way. From captivating product demos to heartfelt customer testimonials, videos capture attention and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Reels: Embracing Short-Form Video for Maximum Impact

Embrace short-form video content on platforms like Instagram Reels to showcase your brand’s personality and creativity. These bite-sized clips are perfect for grabbing attention in a busy feed and connecting with your audience on a more personal level.

Retargeting Ads: Staying Top of Mind with Strategic Reminders

Stay top of mind by retargeting website visitors with personalized ads across the web. These strategic reminders serve as gentle nudges, reinforcing your brand’s presence and encouraging prospects to take the next step in their journey.

LinkedIn Connections: Building Professional Relationships

Expand your network and build professional relationships by sending personalized connection requests on LinkedIn. Engage with prospects through meaningful interactions, establish trust over time, and position yourself as a trusted authority in your industry.

Why is the Rule of Seven Important in Marketing?

The rule of seven holds a significant place in marketing strategies for several compelling reasons:

Building Trust with Customers

 Regular interactions through various channels help establish trust with potential customers. By consistently demonstrating value and expertise, brands position themselves as reliable partners, fostering long-term relationships and brand recognition. This trust can also help overcome common objections to purchasing.

Addressing Diverse Customer Concerns

 Engaging with customers multiple times provides ample opportunities to address different concerns they may have. Brands can tailor their messages to resonate with specific demographics or address varying needs, showcasing their understanding of customer challenges and solutions.

Enhancing Brand Memorability

Multiple touchpoints ensure that the brand remains top-of-mind for customers throughout their buying journey. By repeatedly exposing customers to their message, brands increase the likelihood of being considered when it’s time to make a purchase, ultimately enhancing brand recall and recognition.

Facilitating Customer Insights

 With each interaction, brands gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. By analyzing these interactions, brands can refine their marketing strategies, personalize communications, and tailor offerings to better meet customer needs.

Guiding Customers Through Marketing Funnels

The rule of seven aligns with the stages of the marketing funnel, allowing brands to guide customers from awareness to conversion. By strategically targeting customers at different stages of the buying cycle, brands can nurture leads, build engagement, and drive conversions effectively.

Providing Feedback for Continuous Improvement

Regular customer interactions serve as a source of valuable feedback for brands. By actively listening to customer feedback and observing their behavior, brands can identify areas for improvement, refine their offerings, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

In essence, the rule of seven serves as a guiding principle for brands seeking to establish meaningful connections with their audience, drive engagement, and ultimately achieve marketing success.

Mastering Customer Interactions: Tips for Leveraging the Rule of Seven

Here are some practical tips to help you maximize your customer interactions and leverage the rule of seven in your marketing strategy:

Embrace Diversity in Communication: Expand your outreach efforts by diversifying your communication methods. Engage with your audience through various channels such as social media, email, or direct mailers. By reaching customers through different platforms, you can deepen connections and foster more personalized relationships.

Prioritize Quality over Quantity: Remember, it’s not just about bombarding customers with messages but delivering impactful content. Focus on crafting quality messages that resonate with your audience, rather than simply aiming to meet a specific quota. Quality engagement is key to building trust and loyalty.

Know Your Audience: Take the time to truly understand your customers before planning your marketing approach. By gaining insights into their preferences, behaviors, and pain points, you can tailor your interactions to better meet their needs and interests.

Stay Informed About Your Competitors: Keep an eye on your competitors’ marketing strategies to stay ahead of the curve. Understanding the landscape can help you identify gaps in the market and determine which channels are most effective for reaching your target audience.

Utilize Analytics: Leverage analytics tools to gain valuable insights into customer behavior and engagement. Monitor metrics such as conversion rates and engagement levels to refine your approach and optimize your marketing efforts.

Develop a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy: Create a well-rounded marketing strategy that covers all stages of the sales funnel. Ensure that your messaging resonates with customers at each stage, from awareness to conversion, to maximize effectiveness.

Foster Genuine Connections: The ultimate goal of the rule of seven is to build trust and connection with your audience. Add value to your interactions by providing relevant and meaningful content that resonates with your customers’ needs and interests.

Maintain Consistency: Consistency is key to building and maintaining trust with your audience. Regardless of the channels you use, ensure that your messaging remains consistent and aligned with your brand identity. This helps reinforce your brand image and fosters familiarity with your audience.

Any Questions?

The goal of an outsourced digital marketing agency is to understand your business and your brand voice to then let the world know how awesome you are.

We start every engagement with a Brand Storytelling Session where we identify your unique brand voice. Then, our team uses bi-weekly client calls, and shared content calendars to make sure you know what’s happening.

We’ll bring you fresh ideas from our kick-a** creative team from a relationship built on trust. Because that’s the beauty of digital marketing.

For those who are interested in learning more about the difference between outsourced marketing and in-house marketing, read on here.

At Digital Storyteller, we are delighted to feature our esteemed client, Centura Wealth Advisory, and their commitment to precise financial planning, unwavering precision, and a clear sense of purpose.

The Liberated Wealth® Process

Centura Wealth Advisory follows a distinctive and comprehensive approach to wealth management, embodied in their Liberated Wealth® process:

Uncover: Centura begins by gaining a deep understanding of the intricacies of your wealth, exploring the complexities, responsibilities, and risks associated with it.

Unlock: Through innovative planning methods, Centura unlocks the full potential of your wealth, exploring new pathways to positively alter its trajectory.

Design: After a thorough review, Centura synthesizes the complexities of your tax profile, offering sophisticated options that drive meaningful outcomes for you, your family, friends, and charitable organizations.

Liberate: Centura passionately embraces the task of liberating your wealth, even when you may not have realized it needed liberation. They navigate the details with dedication, aiming for transformative results.

Steward: Beyond liberation, Centura is committed to stewarding your wealth responsibly, ensuring sustained growth and protection for the long term.

Why Centura Wealth Advisory?

The question often arises: Why is my wealth not liberated? Centura Wealth Advisory answers this by positioning themselves at the top of their profession, bringing a level of ability and dedication that sets them apart.

Innovative Tax Planning: Centura’s tax planning starts with a thorough understanding of your existing financial situation. They illustrate and synthesize the complexities of your tax profile, offering sophisticated options that drive meaningful outcomes while reducing your tax burden.

Real Estate Expertise: Recognizing that real estate is a major component of many families’ balance sheets, Centura excels in real estate planning. Their expertise in this area is frequently at the forefront of addressing clients’ needs and concerns.

Investment Philosophy: Centura’s investment philosophy revolves around achieving the best Absolute Returns given a range of likely outcomes. They employ passive investment management and offer a unique set of Alternative investments that can bring Excess Return to your portfolio.

How Digital Storyteller Enhances Centura Wealth Advisory’s Brand

Digital Storyteller is proud to contribute to Centura Wealth Advisory’s success story through strategic digital marketing initiatives:

Web Design & Optimization: We oversee the maintenance and optimization of Centura Wealth Advisory’s website, focusing on visual appeal, user-friendliness, and search engine optimization to enhance online presence and user experience.

Email Campaigns: Digital Storyteller strategically crafts and executes targeted email campaigns for Centura Wealth Advisory. Our goal is to engage their audience, nurture leads, and foster meaningful connections. By delivering personalized and relevant content, we ensure that each email reflects Centura’s brand identity and communicates their unique value proposition.

Promoting Their Podcast and Educational Materials: We leverage our expertise to promote Centura Wealth Advisory’s podcast and educational materials. Through captivating content creation, we highlight key insights, industry trends, and expert discussions presented in their podcast episodes. Additionally, we strategically distribute educational materials across various platforms to position Centura as a thought leader in the wealth management space.

Whitepapers: Digital Storyteller collaborates with Centura Wealth Advisory to produce insightful whitepapers that showcase their expertise and provide valuable information to their audience. These whitepapers delve into industry-specific topics, offering in-depth analysis and strategic recommendations. We employ a multi-channel approach to disseminate these whitepapers, ensuring they reach a wide and relevant audience.

By incorporating these initiatives into our digital marketing strategy, Digital Storyteller strengthens Centura Wealth Advisory’s brand presence, establishes them as authorities in wealth management, and drives engagement within their target market. Our commitment is to contribute to Centura’s success story by consistently delivering impactful and results-driven digital marketing solutions.

 Interested in learning more about how we help our clients? Read on to see how we elevate brand awareness for businesses like yours.

Interested in learning more about how we help our clients? Read on to see how we shorten sales cycles for our clients

Yes, if you’re not updating your old content, you really need to start. Why? That blog post from seven years ago is likely not doing much for your site, but that doesn’t have to be the case. 

Think of it like this: when you’re browsing Google, are you more likely to click on something from two weeks ago, two months ago, or six years ago? Exactly. But updating your content is not as simple as just changing the publish date (though that certainly can help).

In this blog, we will discuss how often you should be updating your content, how to update it to maximize SEO, as well as how to choose exactly what to update. Let’s dive in!

How Often Should You be Writing New Blog Content?

In the past, the norm was to flood the digital world with blogs. But let’s face it—times change, and what used to be the go-to strategy isn’t cutting it anymore.

So how many blogs should you put out? We suggest publishing a new blog – maybe two at times – per week. Don’t tell your writing team to  celebrate just yet; there is more to the process than just creating brand new content. 

Instead, we found that what works best is redirecting some of the time and energy your team would have spent writing entirely new content to updating your old content. Let’s take a look at why.

Why Should You Be Updating Your Old Blog Posts? And, How Often?

Semrush notes that 53% of marketers saw their engagement rates increase after updating old content, while 49% saw an increase in traffic.

But, how often should you update your old blogs? To simplify our approach, we break content into two distinct categories:

  • In fast-changing industries like technology, digital marketing, or legal fields, updates might be needed more frequently, perhaps every 6-12 months, to ensure the content remains accurate and relevant.
  • For more evergreen topics or slower-changing industries, updates may be less frequent, maybe once every 1-2 years.

Choosing Which Blog Posts to Update

Managing content updates can feel like a juggling act, especially when there’s a constant flow of new posts in the pipeline. But to make the most impact, start by prioritizing the content that promises the most value post-update.

Google Search Console

A nifty way to pinpoint prime candidates for updates is via Google Search Console. Head to Performance > Search Results > Queries and sort by impressions. Keep an eye out for those posts with high impressions but low clicks.

Why does this matter? Well, it suggests that while your content appears in search results, it fails to entice clicks. It could be outdated, irrelevant, or simply not hitting the mark with user intent. Revamping these posts can work wonders, boosting their click-through rates (CTR) and driving more organic traffic your way.

The Comprehensive Content Audit

Now, don’t just stop there. Conduct a thorough content audit to spot the posts begging for a touch-up.

For instance:

  • Outdated Content Elements: Snag those old stats, stale references, or tired images.
  • Evolving Subjects: Keep an eye on industries or topics where new research or changes have taken place, benefiting your audience.
  • Keyword Evolution: Watch out for content linked to keywords that have lost their search volume mojo.
  • Languishing CTAs and Meta Descriptions: Don’t overlook the powerhouse of conversion-driving calls-to-action and enticing meta descriptions, especially for those high-impression, low-click posts.

Spotting any of these red flags? Bingo! It’s a strong signal that these pieces could use a bit of extra love.

Key Strategies for Updating Old Content

Updating old content isn’t just about a fresh coat of paint; it’s about reviving its relevance and impact. Here are key strategies to breathe new life into your archived gems:

1. Refresh the Published Date:

Updating the publish date after adding new content signals freshness to both search engines and readers, showcasing the content’s relevance.

2. Enhance Click-Through-Rate (CTR):

Revamp meta titles and descriptions using power words, numbers, and compelling punctuation to boost engagement and entice clicks.

3. Quality Assurance:

Correcting grammar and spelling blunders doesn’t just aid readability—it indirectly enhances SEO and ensures a smoother user experience.

4. Update and Fix Links:

Ensure all internal, external, and broken links are functional and relevant. Adding internal links to updated content amplifies its visibility and user experience.

5. Optimize Article Formatting:

Craft a clear and concise structure, pepper shorter sentences, weave in multimedia elements, and spotlight key points for improved readability and engagement.

6. Expand Content Depth and Breadth:

Dive deeper! Expand content coverage and provide comprehensive information to elevate its value and relevance.

7. Infographic Excellence:

Bring in updated, high-quality infographics to add depth and visual appeal, making the content more engaging and informative.

8. Incorporate Recent Data and Insights:

Integrate the latest data and insights to keep the content fresh, relevant, and valuable for your readers.

Updating old content is more than a touch-up; it’s an artful fusion of relevance and user engagement. These strategies ensure your revamped content shines bright in the digital universe.

Marketing: It’s What We Do Best

The goal of an outsourced digital marketing agency is to understand your business and your brand voice to then let the world know how awesome you are.

We start every engagement with a Brand Storytelling Session where we identify your unique brand voice. Then, our team uses bi-weekly client calls, Monday emails, and content calendars to make sure you know what’s happening, always.

We have monthly reporting where we let you know what the return on investment that you’re getting is from your relationship with us.

Of course, there’s always a team member available to you just a call, email, or even text away. Not to toot our own horn, but we’ve been told on multiple occasions that our bi-weekly calls are their favorite calls!

Happy with the direction we’re headed in? We’ll keep running that way. Want to tweak something? More than happy to adjust.

We’ll bring you fresh ideas from our kick*** creative team from a relationship built on trust. Because that’s the beauty of digital marketing.

For those who are interested in learning more about the difference between outsourced marketing and in-house marketing, read on here.

Congrats! You made the video. Now, you’re wondering how to turn this video into an SEO-optimized, compelling blog. We hate to break it to you: it is not as simple as hitting “copy” and “paste.” 

Creating a blog from your video content involves a strategic process to ensure seamless integration and engaging readability. In simple words, it takes a few purposeful steps to make your blog as interesting and easy to understand as your video is. But don’t worry – we’re here to help!

Let’s dive into the detailed breakdown of how to transform your video into a compelling (and yes, SEO-optimized) blog post.

Step 1: Produce a High-Quality Video

{inserting link to how to create a great video here}

Perhaps it goes without saying that you should begin by creating your video. Instead of a scripted performance, aim for authenticity. Prepare your points but embrace the natural flow of conversation. Authenticity resonates far more than rehearsed lines that feel forced.

Step 2: Edit Your Video Using Simple Software

Choose a user-friendly software like iMovie for video editing. Follow these key steps:

Zoom and Cut: Use zoom to rectify any discrepancies after editing. Cut out mistakes or unnecessary sections while maintaining a seamless flow.

Adjust Visual and Audio Aspects: Enhance light, sound quality, and volume levels for better viewer experience.

Review at Different Speeds: Listen through at 2X speed to spot any missed errors. Then, watch the entire video at regular speed to ensure coherence.

Save and Name the File: Save the edited video with an easily recognizable name for convenience.

Screenshot a nice moment in your video to use later when you create your YouTube custom Thumbnail. (Do this now because you’ll have captions and speaker titles on the video after this point.)

Speaker Title Overlay: Use Canva: Create a blank canvas 1920 X 1080 px – then add  a screenshot of your video to help with placement. Add your speaker’s name(s) and title(s) in the appropriate position (Place the title at the top of the video, you’ll have captions at the bottom). Then export with a transparent background so you can add it as a green screen overlay.  You’ll use the fade arrows to smoothly fade it in.

Step 3: Run your video through a Captions/Transcription service (We like Rev.com)

Upload your video and select .txt and burned in captions options. 

Take the txt output and use ChatGPT to help structure your transcription in blog format. 

Be SURE to read it through and edit. Chat Bots only get you about 60% of the way there (and, alas, that’s still an F in any grading system!)

Edit the captions to replace all the Gonna’s with Going to’s and Wanna’s with Want to’s. Make sure names are spelled correctly. Then export the video file and put it back in your editing software. 

Step 3.5: Add  your music and intro/ outro slides

Now that your video is transcribed and has captions, you can add music and intro/ outro slides. 

Make sure that, if you are going to use YouTube videos as ads, you do NOT have an intro slide. Those are precious viewership moments and you want your video’s impact to start off strong straight out of the gate. 

Add subtle music (you can find royalty free licensed music on Envato Elements) 

Add a final card to the end of your video with your company name, contact information, website, email, phone and what you’d like the viewer to do next. (Never hurts to ask!). 

Step 3.75: Make a Custom YouTube Thumbnail

Take your screenshot from Step 2 bullet point #3 and put it in Canva on another 1920 X 1080 px blank custom template. 

Add your Screenshot and then using your brand colors put a box to the left or right of your speaker with the title of your video clearly displayed.

Here’s where the naming is important. A long name is confusing, too short and it doesn’t tell the story.  Don’t be too clever – hopefully, your video is about something you feel is important and the title writes itself. 

Step 4: Structuring the Blog Content

Take that 60% blog you had Chat helped you write and get to work. You’ll want to structure it for humans to enjoy and Google’s bots to crawl efficiently.  Here are some tips to help you structure your content for ease of readability. 

Introduction: Start with an engaging introduction that captures the essence of your video content.

Body: Break down the key points discussed in the video into structured paragraphs. Add depth and context to each point.

Incorporate Visuals: Insert images or graphs or reference shots from the video to complement the written content.

Callouts and Quotes: Highlight important quotes or key takeaways from the video in a visually appealing manner.

Conclusion: Summarize the main ideas discussed in the video and encourage further engagement or action from the readers.

Step 5: Optimizing for SEO and Readability

Boosting your blog’s visibility requires strategic optimization for search engines. To ensure your blog attracts both the attention of search engine algorithms and your readers, follow these actionable steps:

Select Relevant Keywords: Start by identifying and selecting keywords that accurately reflect the content of your video. These keywords should resonate with your audience and match their search queries. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to research and choose appropriate keywords.

Seamlessly Integrate Keywords: Once you’ve selected your keywords, integrate them naturally throughout your blog post. Include them in the title, headings, subheadings, meta descriptions, and body content. However, avoid overstuffing; maintain a natural flow in your writing.

Utilize Headers and Formatting: Enhance the readability of your blog by structuring it with headers and subheaders. These break down your content into digestible sections, making it easier for readers to navigate. Additionally, use formatting features like bold, italics, and bulleted/numbered lists to highlight key points.

Craft Engaging Meta Descriptions: Write concise, compelling meta descriptions that summarize your content and include your primary keyword. These meta descriptions appear in search engine results and should entice users to click through to your blog.

Incorporate Alt Text for Images: Add descriptive alt text to all the images you include in your blog. Alt text not only improves accessibility for visually impaired users but also provides search engines with information about your visual content, boosting SEO.

Include Internal Links: Strategically incorporate internal links to other relevant content on your website. This not only provides additional value to your readers but also helps search engines navigate and index your site more effectively.

Balance SEO with Readability: While focusing on SEO, ensure your content remains engaging and easy to read. Balance keyword usage with natural language and maintain a conversational tone throughout your blog. Remember, your audience’s experience matters as much as search engine rankings.

By striking this balance between SEO optimization and engaging readability, your blog post becomes more appealing to both search engines and your audience, ensuring it stands out amidst the digital noise and drives organic traffic to your content.

Step 6: Embedding the Video

First, upload the video to your YouTube Channel.  You’ll want to have a unique video description that has the main points of the video, the proper hashtags for searchers, and in the first line or 2, your website and phone number. 

Set the video to public and grab the link. 

Use a tool like embedresponsively.com to get the embed code. 

Add your embed code strategically within your blog. Keep it in the first 1/4 of the blog content, for SEO reasons. 

Step 7: Proofreading and Publishing

Proofreading isn’t just about fixing typos. It’s about ensuring your content flows smoothly, is error-free, and conveys your message effectively. Take a step back, read it aloud, and even get a fresh pair of eyes to review it.

Converting your video into a blog involves careful planning and execution. By following these steps, you’ll effectively repurpose your video content into a well-structured, engaging blog post for your audience to enjoy.

Why Videos Perform Well for SEO

Videos have become a powerhouse for SEO, transforming the way content is consumed and ranked by search engines. Incorporating videos into your blog can significantly boost your SEO efforts for several reasons:

Enhanced User Engagement: Videos captivate audiences in ways that text alone often can’t. Users tend to spend more time on webpages that feature videos, signaling search engines that your content is engaging and valuable.

Diversified Content: Search engines like Google appreciate diverse content types. Videos provide an alternate format, enriching your content portfolio and potentially attracting a broader audience.

Reduced Bounce Rates: Engaging videos can decrease bounce rates, the metric indicating how quickly users leave a webpage. Low bounce rates signal search engines that visitors find your content relevant and engaging.

Improved Time Spent on Page: Videos keep users on a page longer, which positively impacts dwell time. A longer dwell time signifies to search engines that your content is valuable and worth promoting in search results.

Potential for Backlinks: Engaging videos have higher potential to attract backlinks from other websites. Backlinks are essential for SEO, signaling authority and relevance to search engines.

By integrating videos into your blog content, you’re not only catering to diverse audience preferences but also enhancing your SEO performance through increased engagement metrics, reduced bounce rates, and improved content diversity.

The point is so many individuals watch videos nowadays.

Why is Video Important to My Digital Marketing Strategy?

So, why is video important? At Digital Storyteller, we love our metrics and stats. Let’s take a look at the booming industry. Did you know…

  • “Video is the number 1 source of information for 66% of people.
  • Over 500 million people watch Facebook videos every day.
  • More than 75% of all video views come from mobile devices.
  • The global video market was valued at $39.61 billion in 2018…” (Imagine where it’s at now!?)
  • “YouTubers upload 300 hours of video content to the platform every minute.
  • 93% of businesses gain new customers as a result of branded video content.”

Need Some with your Digital Marketing Strategy?

Ready to maximize your digital marketing strategy with engaging videos and top-notch content? Let’s chat! Contact our team at Digital Storyteller today to elevate your online presence and drive exceptional results.

Ah, the joys of making Google content. SEO tasks—a mix of necessary chores and digital pampering—keep your site in Google’s good books. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. From appeasing the almighty search engine to understanding its quirks, here’s your guide to making Google a smidge happier while keeping your website from throwing an online tantrum.

  1. Time to Check the Console

First things first, head to search.google.com and peek at your stats. If your site’s throwing a tantrum with 404s, show some love by setting up those 301 redirects. And if there are pages playing hide and seek with Google’s index, figure out why. Maybe you’ve got those hush-hush internal staff pages or just some secret stuff you don’t want Uncle Google to find.

  1. Giving Your Website a Health Checkup (Because Google Says So)

Ensuring your website’s optimal performance aligns perfectly with Google’s preferences. Embrace the idea of conducting a thorough health check for your digital space. Utilize HubSpot’s SEO tool to delve deeper into your website’s intricacies. This isn’t just a diagnostic tool; it’s your secret weapon to uncover hidden glitches or overlooked optimization opportunities. Trust in the power of an AI-driven analysis to unearth areas for improvement that might have eluded human eyes. 

A comprehensive site health check isn’t just about appeasing Google; it’s your gateway to a more efficient, user-friendly, and Google-favored online presence.

  1. Conduct a Content Audit 

Oh, the joy of content audits! Whip out SEMRush and see what’s going on in your blog-land. If you’ve got multiple pages hustling for the same keyword, it’s like having an internal showdown. Merge those power struggles and redirect the weaker ones to the bossiest page. Oh, and while you’re at it, cozy up to the idea of cornerstone content and schema structures. It’s like teaching Google its ABCs.

  1. Update Old Posts

Google’s a sucker for fresh content, so serve up those vintage posts with a modern twist. Sprinkle some “new” here and there to keep Google’s bots from yawning. Psst, and while you’re spicing things up, take a peek at your URL structure. If your links are stuck in a time warp, it might be time for a makeover. Just don’t throw everything into a 404 frenzy!

  1. Ensure Your Security is Updated

Google prioritizes user safety. Regularly updating themes, WordPress versions, and plugins shields your website from vulnerabilities. This proactive approach ensures your digital space isn’t an easy target for cyber threats, aligning with Google’s security-centric approach. We don’t want Google’s house to be the easiest one to break into, do we?

  1. Do a GA4 Tag Check

In case you missed the memo, ensure your GA4 tags are all cuddled up in your tag manager. Google’s got to know who’s visiting, right? This step ensures Google Analytics is accurately tracking visitor data. Providing Google with comprehensive insights into user behavior allows for informed decisions and targeted strategies.

  1. Submit that XML Sitemap

Picture your XML sitemap as the comprehensive guidebook for search engines navigating the intricate maze of your website. This roadmap isn’t just a passive document; it actively assists search engine crawlers in efficiently traversing your digital landscape and indexing your content. By submitting your XML sitemap to Google, you’re essentially rolling out the red carpet for search engine bots, ensuring they effortlessly explore every corner and crevice of your site. 

This proactive step not only caters to Google’s preference for well-organized and accessible content but also elevates your chances of having every valuable piece of your website duly recognized and indexed in the vast digital expanse.

  1. When Google Gets Too Complicated: Call in the Reinforcements

If all of this makes your head spin faster than Google’s algorithm updates, don’t panic. We’ve got your back. Check out our services to learn how we can help!

Other SEO Tips:

Optimize for Mobile

Google loves mobile-friendly sites. Ensure your website is responsive across devices. Test your site’s mobile-friendliness using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool. Consider enhancing the mobile experience by optimizing loading times, text readability, and ease of navigation.

Embrace Rich Snippets

Stand out in search results with rich snippets. Implement schema markup to enhance your listings. Rich snippets can include reviews, FAQ sections, product information, and more. They catch the eye and can improve your click-through rates.

Prioritize User Experience (UX)

Google values user experience. Optimize your website for speed, easy navigation, and engaging content. Make sure visitors find what they’re looking for quickly. A user-friendly experience leads to longer sessions and lower bounce rates, which Google appreciates.

Content Diversification

Expand beyond written content. Incorporate diverse content formats like videos, infographics, podcasts, and interactive elements. Varied content engages users and can improve your site’s visibility in different search formats.

Build Quality Backlinks

Quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites can significantly boost your site’s SEO. Aim for natural link-building through guest posting, collaborations, or creating shareable content that others would want to link to.

Monitor and Adapt

SEO is an ongoing process. Regularly monitor your site’s performance using tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. Track keyword rankings, user behavior, and traffic patterns. Adapt your strategies based on these insights to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Leverage Social Media

While not a direct SEO ranking factor, social media signals can impact your online visibility. Share your content across platforms to increase brand visibility, engagement, and potential traffic to your site.

Local SEO Optimization

For local businesses, optimize your site for local search. Create and verify a Google My Business listing, encourage customer reviews, and ensure consistency in NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) information across directories.

Interested in learning more? Check out our guide to maximizing your SEO, here.

Need a Little Help with SEO?

Being visible online goes a long way to growing and maintaining your business. When you’re easily found and high-ranking, prospects are more likely to trust you, your business, and the products or services you offer. Being easily found on search engines also allows you to foster relationships with current and prospective clients.

But crafting a personalized content marketing strategy for your business takes time and effort, and sometimes, you don’t have that. Enter Digital Storyteller!Our outsourced digital marketing agency is here to help create content, optimize your site, and make you more relevant to search engines on all social fronts. To develop an organic content marketing strategy with the SEO you need to make your business thrive, reach out to our diverse team of marketing experts at Digital Storyteller today!

At Digital Storyteller, we’re excited to shine the spotlight on our client Signature Analytics!

We partner with Signature Analytics to spotlight their expertise, share their journey, and amplify their specialized services. Our role is to assist in elevating their message and brand, enabling them to connect with businesses and foster smart decision-making rooted in sound financial practices.

Let Us Tell You About Signature Analytics: The Smart Choice for Outsourced Accounting & CFO Advisory Services

Signature Analytics believes that smart business decisions start with excellent day-to-day financial management.  To run your business well and make the best decisions possible,  you need reliable financial insights. Whether your company is growing or pivoting or if you’re simply looking at the landscape and engaged in scenario planning, we can help ensure your decisions are being made based on real numbers.

With an outsourced accounting team from Signature Analytics, you get accurate, relevant, and timely reporting and financial insights to help you make smart business decisions. 

Signature Analytics offers outsourced accounting and CFO business advisory services, geared towards empowering businesses to achieve their goals through:

Streamlined Accounting: Enhancing accuracy and efficiency in financial processes.

Comprehensive Assessments: Tailored assessments to improve accounting processes.

Outsourced Accounting Services: Providing accurate, relevant, and timely reporting for informed decision-making.

CFO & Business Advisory Services: Forward-thinking financial leadership and strategic planning support.

What Sets Signature Analytics Apart

At the core of Signature Analytics’ distinctiveness lies their unique approach, embodied in the Signature Analytics Five Step Method: define, develop, and achieve your goals.

This structured methodology involves a comprehensive analysis of your existing accounting structures and processes. Through this detailed exploration, Signature Analytics customizes the ideal solution tailored to your business needs. Leveraging these insights, they assemble the right outsourced team to deliver the accurate, relevant, and timely financial insights crucial for your business’s successful operations.

Signature Analytics Services

1. Comprehensive Assessments

In the initial 30 days, Signature Analytics deeply analyzes your company’s goals, internal accounting, and technology. This informs a strategic plan to fortify your accounting department for long-term growth.

People Assessment: Evaluating staff roles and capabilities.

Process Refinement: Implementing enhancements for day-to-day efficiency.

Technology Optimization: Fine-tuning systems for improved performance.

2. Day-to-Day Accounting

Post-assessment, Signature Analytics manages your daily accounting using a meticulous 5-step approach for accurate and timely financial reporting.

Monthly Close Process: Ensuring precision in financial statements.

Expense Controls & SOPs: Monitoring budgets and documentation.

Cash-Flow Management: Analyzing cash sources and uses for better financial foresight.

3. CFO Advisory Services

Access expert CFO insights and business advisory services for future-focused financial strategies.

Strategic Financial Insights: Planning, KPI development, and revenue recognition.

FIT Team Expertise: Technology improvements and reporting enhancements.

M&A Support & Audits: Expert guidance for acquisitions, audits, and profitability analysis.

Signature Analytics excels in comprehensive assessments, efficient day-to-day accounting, and strategic CFO advisory services, ensuring precise financial insights and strategies for long-term business success.

Signature Analytics supports the following industries:

  • Professional Services
  • Nonprofits
  • Technology
  • Manufacturing & Distribution
  • Recovery & Wellness
  • Life Sciences & Biotech

How Digital Storyteller Enhances Signature Analytics’ Brand

At Digital Storyteller, we’re instrumental in enhancing Signature Analytics’ digital footprint and refining its marketing strategy. Here’s an overview of our contributions:

Social Media Management: Leveraging captivating articles, blogs, and social media posts to disseminate Signature Analytics’ message across relevant platforms. Our team excels in content creation and scheduling for maximum exposure and engagement.

Web Design & Optimization: Overseeing the maintenance and optimization of Signature Analytics’ website. We focus on visual appeal, user-friendliness, and search engine optimization to bolster their online presence and user experience.

SEO Strategy: Employing SEMRush research to develop targeted content with carefully selected keywords. This strategy aims to elevate Signature Analytics’ domain authority and foster organic growth by improving search engine rankings.

Content Creation: Producing informative and engaging blogs and videos that showcase Signature Analytics’ expertise and industry verticals. These optimized pieces are strategically distributed across social media platforms and integrated into their blogs.

Design Services: Offering comprehensive design solutions for conferences, QR codes, postcards, giveaways, and business cards. These materials are meticulously crafted to leave a lasting impression on clients and partners.

At Digital Storyteller, we take immense pride in contributing to Signature Analytics’ success story. Through a holistic digital marketing strategy, we fortify their brand, expand their reach, and drive substantial growth within their industry.
Interested in learning more about how we help our clients? Read on to see how we shorten sales cycles for our clients.

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, staying on top of your social media game is crucial. Marketers and influencers are constantly on the lookout for ways to streamline their scheduling processes, making them faster, more efficient, and ultimately more effective. 

As a team of individuals who handle a substantial amount of scheduling, we’ve decided to share our insights and opinions on the top social media scheduling tools. And no, none of these recommendations are at all sponsored – we’re just a team of people who know the pain of scheduling all too well.

First Things First, Why is Scheduling Social Media so Important?

Posting at Specific Times: Posting at specific times can significantly impact the performance of your social media content. Different social media platforms have varying peak times when their users are most active. By scheduling your posts during these periods, you increase the chances of your content being seen and engaged with. This is especially critical if you’re targeting a global audience, as aligning with active time zones can expand your reach.

Algorithm Favorability: Social media algorithms tend to favor fresh content. Posting when your audience is most active increases the likelihood of your content appearing in their feeds, leading to more likes, comments, and shares, and ultimately improving your post’s visibility.

Competitive Edge: Scheduling content during non-peak hours when there’s less competition can help your posts stand out. This is particularly advantageous for businesses seeking recognition in crowded markets.

Consistency: Consistently posting at specific times establishes a routine for your audience, making them expect and look forward to your content at these times. This, in turn, enhances their engagement and loyalty.

And how can scheduling tools help?

In a world where every minute counts, nobody wants to spend hours each week tied to their computer, scheduling posts on multiple platforms. At Digital Storyteller, we’re all about efficiency. We leverage scheduling tools to slash the time spent on this task, guarantee reliability (no more missed posts due to hectic meetings), and ensure our content reaches its audience when it matters most.

The Challenge of Managing Social Media (and How Scheduling Tools Can Help)

Maintaining an active and engaging social media presence is no small feat. Each social network has its own peak activity times when users are most active. To reach as much of your audience as possible, you need to post during these peak periods. However, for most businesses, posting everything in real-time is a logistical nightmare.

To address this challenge, software providers have developed solutions that simplify social media scheduling and posting. These tools allow you to create and schedule multiple posts in advance, giving you the freedom to post at optimal times. They also grant you more time for content creation and strategy development. In this blog post, we’ll delve into some of the leading social media scheduling and posting tools.

Now, let’s discuss our favorite social media scheduling tools.


First on our list is Metricool, often hailed as the “Swiss army knife” of social media tools. Metricool has become the go-to choice for over a million professionals, agencies, and brands seeking a comprehensive solution for managing social media and online advertising.

Key Features

Multi-Platform Management: Metricool simplifies the process of managing multiple social media platforms, allowing you to centralize your efforts and save time.

Scheduling and Analytics: This tool offers a robust scheduling feature, enabling you to plan and schedule posts in advance. It also provides in-depth analytics to help you track the performance of your content.

Competitor Analysis: Gain insights into your competitors’ strategies, benchmark your performance, and refine your own tactics for better results.

Custom Reporting: Metricool lets you generate customized reports that highlight the metrics most relevant to your business.

Online Ad Management: In addition to social media, Metricool also supports online ad management, making it an all-in-one solution for your digital marketing needs.

User-Friendly: Metricool’s user-friendly interface and intuitive features make it accessible to both beginners and seasoned professionals.

Metricool caters to a wide range of users, from individual influencers to marketing agencies and large brands. Its versatility and comprehensive feature set make it an attractive option for those looking for an all-in-one solution.

Hootsuite – The Time-Tested Social Media Scheduler:

Hootsuite has long been a household name in the social media management realm. Renowned for its scheduling capabilities, it’s a trusted choice for marketers worldwide.

Key Features:

Social Media Dashboard: Hootsuite’s dashboard allows you to manage multiple social media profiles from a single location, streamlining your efforts.

Bulk Scheduling: Schedule posts in bulk, saving you time and ensuring a consistent posting schedule.

Content Curation: Discover and share content from a variety of sources to keep your audience engaged.

Team Collaboration: Collaborate with team members, assign tasks, and maintain a unified social media strategy.

Analytics: Hootsuite provides detailed analytics to measure the impact of your social media campaigns.

App Integrations: Easily integrate various apps and tools to enhance your social media management capabilities.

Hootsuite’s reputation as a reliable and user-friendly scheduling tool remains intact. It’s an ideal choice for those who prioritize efficiency and organization.


Buffer is a popular social media scheduling tool that can help you streamline your social media management efforts. Here’s why Buffer is a valuable choice for managing your social media presence:

Key Features:

Share Click-Worthy Content:

Buffer provides insights on the best times to publish your content to maximize engagement and click-through rates. It helps you make your content stand out and grab your audience’s attention.

Build an Engaged Audience:

Buffer assists in growing your social media following organically. It can suggest relevant hashtags and share your content on the right channels to help you reach a wider audience.

Save Tons of Time:

Buffer allows you to schedule and automate your social media posts, reducing the manual workload. You can plan your content in advance and let Buffer take care of publishing it at the optimal times.

Coordinate with Ease:

Buffer offers collaboration features, such as permissions levels and approval flows, which facilitate teamwork without micromanagement. This is especially helpful for businesses and teams managing multiple social media accounts.

Company Information:

10 years in business: Buffer has a decade of experience in the industry, making it a reliable and trusted option for social media management.

Customer Support:

Buffer provides round-the-clock customer support through email and social media. Additionally, they maintain a comprehensive and regularly updated help center for users who prefer self-service options.

Buffer is an intuitive and affordable solution for those looking to efficiently manage and grow their social media presence. Its scheduling and automation features, coupled with its emphasis on engagement and audience growth, make it a valuable addition to any social media marketing toolkit.

Any Questions?

The goal of an outsourced digital marketing agency is to understand your business and your brand voice to then let the world know how awesome you are.

We start every engagement with a Brand Storytelling Session where we identify your unique brand voice. Then, our team uses bi-weekly client calls, and shared content calendars to make sure you know what’s happening.

We’ll bring you fresh ideas from our kick-a** creative team from a relationship built on trust. Because that’s the beauty of digital marketing.

For those who are interested in learning more about the difference between outsourced marketing and in-house marketing, read on here.

A recent study by Price Waterhouse Cooper (PwC) forecasts that by 2030, AI will generate over USD 15 trillion for the global economy and boost local economies by as much as 26%. 

That’s a staggering sum, and it promises a major transformation in various industries. Marketers and business owners alike are eager to jump onto the AI train for turbocharged content creation, streamlined operations, and super-efficient budget management. Who could blame them – It’s the dream of lightning-fast SEO-optimized blogs and a flood of online visitors!

However, before we all embark on the AI journey, there are several common misconceptions about AI’s role in marketing that we need to unravel. It’s time to dive into the real scope of AI’s impact on marketing. Let’s take a look. 

First, AI is Not a Standalone Solution (No, Not Even for Content Generation)

The truth is, AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not a standalone solution. It doesn’t work in isolation. To get the most out of AI in your marketing endeavors, you need to integrate it into a well-thought-out strategy. 

AI Enhances, It Doesn’t Replace (I.E. Don’t Fire Your Marketing Team)

AI is a fantastic aid, but it won’t replace your marketing team. Instead, it enhances their capabilities. It can handle repetitive tasks, gather and analyze data at lightning speed, and offer insights that would take human analysts ages to unearth. However, the human touch remains crucial for creative thinking, strategy development, and understanding the nuances of your audience.

Remember – AI is far from infallible, especially when it comes to accuracy and eloquence. So, yes, you should definitely keep a set of human eyes on everything AI churns out.

The Right Data is Key

AI’s prowess hinges on its capacity to process and interpret data. The more data, the better. To fully harness AI’s potential, you must establish a robust foundation of data. This involves several critical steps:

Collecting the Right Data: Start by identifying the specific types of data that are most relevant to your marketing goals. This could encompass customer demographics, online behavior, purchase history, or any other data that provides valuable insights into your audience.

Maintaining Data Quality: Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your data is paramount. Regularly clean and update your data to avoid inaccuracies that could lead to misguided AI-driven decisions.

Training AI Models Effectively: The real magic happens when you feed AI with high-quality data to train its models. The better the training data, the more accurate and insightful your AI will be. Consistent data feeds help AI understand your audience, recognize patterns, and make more informed recommendations.

Customization is Vital

AI is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it thrives on personalization. To maximize its effectiveness, customize AI to align with your brand’s unique voice, audience preferences, and specific goals. This requires a few essential steps:

Understanding Your Brand Voice: Your brand has a distinct tone, style, and personality that resonates with your audience. Ensure that your AI-generated content reflects and enhances this voice.

Audience Preferences: Customize AI to understand what your audience prefers in terms of content type, format, and delivery. By aligning with your audience’s preferences, you’ll increase engagement and resonance.

Setting Unique Goals: AI should be programmed to work towards your specific marketing objectives. Whether it’s increasing website traffic, boosting conversions, or enhancing brand visibility, AI should be fine-tuned to support your unique goals.

Human Oversight is Essential

While AI showcases remarkable capabilities, it’s not infallible. It can still make errors, especially when dealing with unprecedented scenarios or unusual data inputs. To ensure that AI-generated content aligns with your brand’s identity and objectives, human oversight is indispensable. Here’s how to integrate it effectively:

Content Monitoring: Your marketing team should routinely review and monitor AI-generated content. This involves checking for accuracy, relevance, and consistency with your brand’s messaging.

Quality Control: Implement quality control processes to catch any errors or deviations from your brand guidelines. This can include proofreading, fact-checking, and ensuring that the content conveys the desired tone and style.

Intervention When Needed: Human intervention is essential when AI encounters unique situations or when content requires a personal touch. Knowing when to step in and refine AI-generated content is crucial for maintaining brand integrity and audience satisfaction.

What Can AI in Marketing: More Than Just Content Creation

Data Analysis and Insights

AI can unlock the potential of your data by providing invaluable insights. Whether it’s deciphering customer behavior, monitoring market trends, or analyzing operational metrics, AI can empower you to make informed decisions based on data-driven recommendations. It’s not just about creating content; it’s about shaping your strategy.

Scaling and Automation

AI empowers businesses to scale and automate their operations. By automating repetitive tasks, it liberates your team to focus on creativity and value-added activities. This not only boosts productivity but also slashes operational costs, enabling your business to grow more efficiently.

Budget Optimization

AI can be a valuable ally in budget optimization. It goes beyond mere cost-cutting; it helps you allocate resources more effectively, identifies areas for cost reduction, and provides long-term financial stability. It’s about smart, strategic budget management.

SEO and Web Traffic

AI can significantly enhance your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) and lead to a sustained increase in web traffic. It’s not just about churning out SEO-friendly content; AI can help you analyze keywords, optimize on-page content, personalize user experiences, and track visitor behavior more effectively.

The Human-AI Partnership

An essential aspect of AI in marketing is understanding that it thrives in collaboration with human intelligence. AI isn’t a replacement; it’s a complement.

Creativity and Originality

AI can draft content efficiently, but it can’t replace the creativity, originality, and emotional connection that human writers bring to your content. AI can be a starting point, but the finishing touch often requires a human perspective.

Context and Understanding

Understanding your industry, audience, and brand identity requires a human touch. AI struggles to grasp these nuances. It’s humans who ensure that your content aligns with your business goals and resonates with your audience.

Strategy and Decision-Making

AI can provide insights, but it’s humans who make the strategic decisions. AI supports your decision-making; it doesn’t replace it.

The Real AI Revolution

AI isn’t a magical shortcut or a quick fix. It’s a powerful tool, and when used strategically alongside human expertise, it can yield remarkable results.

So, instead of wondering how AI can write your blogs, think about how AI can enhance your content creation process, streamline your operations, and bolster your decision-making. By embracing AI in its entirety, you can unlock its true potential and stay ahead in the dynamic landscape of digital marketing.

Final Notes

Incorporating AI into digital marketing is no longer a luxury; it has become a necessity to thrive in the modern business landscape. By capitalizing on the benefits of AI in marketing while remaining mindful of the implementation challenges, businesses can unlock new opportunities, drive growth, and stay ahead in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Interested in finding out more? Read on to learn about the ROI of organic digital marketing (yes, it can be measured!) Then, get in touch with our team to schedule your FREE Brand Storytelling Session.

So, you’ve entered the thrilling world of financial services, armed with data, industry expertise, and a burning desire to conquer social media. You’ve seen those viral posts, the ones with millions of likes, shares, and comments.

Naturally, you thought, “Hey, I’ve got this!” But let’s pause the dream sequence right there, shall we? Because it’s time to face some harsh truths about social media for financial services.

In this blog, we’ll discuss why your posts may not be going viral. However, we have some good news: your posts do not need to be going viral to align with your marketing strategy and support your business.

So… Your Posts Aren’t Going Viral. Let’s Chat About Why.

Expectation: You’re convinced your financial wisdom is so profound that it should break the internet. You painstakingly craft a post about compound interest or the intricacies of investment portfolios. You hit that “Share” button and sit back, waiting for the world to recognize your genius.

Reality: Crickets. Maybe a couple lonely “likes” from co-workers. In the real world (or should we say the digital realm), financial advice doesn’t exactly set hearts aflutter. 

Your well-intentioned post might be met with the enthusiasm of a library on a Sunday afternoon. Turns out, people prefer TikTok dances and memes over, let’s say, insurance tips.

The Good News: Your Posts Don’t Need to be Going Viral to be Successful 

While achieving viral status might seem enticing, it’s not the primary path to making a meaningful impact with your financial services posts. In reality, striving for virality in this industry often proves impractical.

Here’s the essential point: Viral content typically caters to a broad audience, seeking widespread appeal and entertainment value. However, the financial sector operates differently. It thrives on providing personalized solutions and expert guidance tailored to individual needs.

Your posts can still be influential without pursuing virality. Instead of chasing an elusive goal, prioritize delivering genuine value. Consider the specific requirements and questions of your audience, and respond with expertise and clarity. It’s not about broadcasting to the masses; it’s about engaging with the right people and leaving a substantial impact on their financial journey.

How to Create Successful Social Media for Financial Services

1. Understand Your Audience Inside Out

The first rule of the secret sauce club is knowing your audience like the back of your hand. Dive deep into demographics, preferences, behaviors, and pain points. Are you addressing young professionals eager to invest, or perhaps retirees seeking retirement planning wisdom? The secret sauce here is tailoring your content precisely to their needs, desires, and interests.

2. Educate, Don’t Sell (That’s the Real Secret)

Here’s the biggest secret of them all: successful social media for financial services isn’t about pushing products or services down your audience’s throat. It’s all about building trust through education. Share valuable insights, unravel intricate financial concepts, and offer tips that genuinely empower your audience to make informed decisions. Position yourself as the wise sage, the guide through the labyrinth of finance.

3. Decode Complexity Like a Pro

Financial jargon can be a labyrinth of confusion. Your secret sauce ingredient is simplification. Break down those intricate financial concepts into bite-sized, digestible pieces. Use relatable examples, everyday analogies, and visual aids to make the information not just comprehensible but enjoyable.

4. Opt for Quality Over Quantity

The secret sauce doesn’t involve a relentless barrage of posts. Instead, focus on creating content that packs a punch. Quality trumps quantity every time. Well-researched, thoughtfully crafted posts leave a lasting impact and position you as a credible authority.

5. Visuals: Your Not-So-Secret Weapon

Humans are visual creatures. The secret sauce calls for a dash of eye-catching graphics, charts, and videos in your content mix. Visuals aren’t just appealing; they make your content shareable and memorable. And don’t forget, they’re exceptional at demystifying complex ideas.

6. Engage, Don’t Just Post

Remember, social media is a conversation, not a monologue. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, answering questions, and initiating discussions. Show your human side, inject personality into your interactions, and let authenticity be your secret sauce’s special ingredient.

7. Showcase Success Stories

The secret sauce also comes with a side of trust-building. Highlight how your financial services have genuinely impacted your clients. Share testimonials (with consent, of course) and case studies. These stories provide the social proof your audience craves and demonstrate your expertise in action.

8. Stay Compliant Without Killing the Vibe

The financial industry has strict regulations, but the secret sauce includes finding the balance between engaging content and compliance. Familiarize yourself with the rules governing financial services on social media and ensure your content plays by the book.

9. Ride the Wave of Trends

Secret sauce enthusiasts always stay ahead of the game. Keep a vigilant eye on social media trends, platform changes, and algorithm updates. Incorporate relevant trends into your content strategy to keep your audience captivated.

10. Measure, Analyze, Adapt

The final secret sauce ingredient is a healthy dose of analytics. Use powerful tools to track your social media performance. Metrics like engagement, reach, and conversion rates hold the key to your secret sauce’s success. Analyze what works and what doesn’t, and don’t hesitate to tweak your strategy accordingly. Social media is a dynamic realm, and adaptability is the ultimate secret.

Effective Post Types For Financial Services

Let’s get practical. Here’s what works:

Informative Infographics: Decode financial jargon with visuals – you’re making complexity a breeze.

Expert Insights: Share nuggets of financial wisdom, from investing insights to tax tips.

Real Success Stories: Showcase your knack for turning financial challenges into triumphs.

Interactive Polls: Engage by asking their thoughts on financial trends – their opinions matter.

Quick Trivia: Sprinkle in interesting financial facts to keep things engaging.

Behind-the-Scenes: Offer a glimpse into your world – it humanizes your brand.

Remember, it’s a mix of entertainment and education. Make your social media a space where followers can learn, engage, and find value.

Any Questions?

The goal of an outsourced digital marketing agency is to understand your business and your brand voice to then let the world know how awesome you are.

We start every engagement with a Brand Storytelling Session where we identify your unique brand voice. Then, our team uses bi-weekly client calls, and shared content calendars to make sure you know what’s happening.

We’ll bring you fresh ideas from our kick-a** creative team from a relationship built on trust. Because that’s the beauty of digital marketing.

For those who are interested in learning more about the difference between outsourced marketing and in-house marketing, read on here.

In this era of high-speed internet and sleek web designs, there’s no room for websites that cling to the past like your grandma’s vintage sofa. If your website is still rocking pixelated graphics and Comic Sans fonts, it’s high time for a dose of web redemption. Why bother, you ask? Well, your website isn’t just another pretty face; it’s your gateway to potential clients and partners. A well-executed B2B website can help you establish trust, flaunt your expertise, and drive business growth (yes, it’s a triple win).

In this guide, we’ll uncover the secrets that can drag your outdated website out of the digital Dark Ages and into the modern era. And just to spice things up, we’ll throw in some before-and-after snapshots of our favorite projects – because let’s face it, seeing is believing (and trust us, the proof is in the pudding). 

Clear Brand Identity

Your website should be a mirror reflecting your brand consistently. Colors, fonts, and messaging – all should shout “YOU.” And by “you,” we mean a carefully curated selection of colors, fonts, and messages that actually represent your brand.

If your website looks like it’s having an identity crisis, it’s time for a makeover.

User-Centric Design

Prioritize user experience because even B2B decision-makers are swiping on their smartphones these days. Make it easy, make it smooth, and make it mobile-friendly.

High-Quality Content

Content is the heart and soul of B2B marketing. We’re not talking fluff; we’re talking content that’s genuinely valuable. Solve problems, answer questions, and provide content that showcases your expertise.

Strong Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Don’t leave your visitors hanging. Clearly guide them on the next steps, whether it’s clicking ‘Request a Quote’ or downloading a resource. Make those CTAs impossible to miss.

Robust SEO Strategy

Invest in SEO to optimize your content for important keywords, fine-tune meta tags, and build quality backlinks. Learn how to combine SEO and content marketing, here.

Security and Trust Signals

In a world filled with digital threats, show your visitors your website is safe. Get that HTTPS encryption and display trust badges. Trust is everything in the B2B world.

Regular Updates

Imagine someone telling a story from three years ago at a party. Boring, right? Keep your website fresh. Regular updates not only engage your visitors but also signal to search engines that you’re active.

Integration with CRM

You’re drowning in data chaos without efficient lead management. Integrate your website with a CRM system to streamline leads, nurture them, and boost conversions. Check out our guide on how to choose the right CRM, here.

Tailored Landing Pages

One size doesn’t fit all. Create landing pages tailored to different audience segments. It’s like having a conversation instead of shouting into the void. Personalization is key.

Now that we’ve covered the essential elements of a top-notch B2B website, you might be wondering, “Is it time for my website to undergo a transformation?” Well, let’s find out.

How to Know If Your Website Needs a Redo

High Bounce Rates: If visitors are making quick exits, blame slow loading, outdated design, or irrelevant content.

Outdated Design: Don’t be a digital fossil. Keep your website fresh and user-friendly.

Mobile Unfriendliness: In a mobile world, a non-responsive website is a deal-breaker.

Low Conversion Rates: If visitors aren’t becoming customers, something’s amiss in the conversion process.

Slow Loading Times: Speed matters. Slow websites frustrate users and hurt your SEO.

Dated Content: Freshen up your content. Old blog posts won’t cut it.

Poor SEO Performance: If your site’s not ranking, you’re practically invisible.

Security Concerns: Protect your digital fortress. HTTPS and regular security updates are a must.

Negative User Feedback: Listen to your users. Bad feedback points to areas that need improvement.

Competitors Are Outshining You: If rivals have better sites, it’s time to catch up.

It Doesn’t Align with Your Brand: Your website should match your brand’s identity like a tailored suit.

It’s Not Generating Leads or Sales: If it’s not contributing to your business goals, it’s time for a makeover.

How Much Should a Website Redesign Cost?

The million-dollar question: how much should a website redesign cost? Well, the bottom line is that it depends on what you want and how much time it will take to create it. Website redesign costs can vary significantly based on several factors:

Scope of the Redesign: Are you looking for a minor facelift, or do you want a complete overhaul with new features, functionality, and content? The more extensive the changes, the higher the cost.

Complexity: Complex websites with custom features, e-commerce capabilities, or interactive elements will naturally cost more than simpler, informational sites.

Design Complexity: If you desire a unique, highly customized design, it will come with a higher price tag compared to using pre-designed templates.

Content Creation: If you need new content, such as copywriting, graphics, or multimedia elements, this will add to the overall cost.

SEO and Optimization: Ensuring your site is search engine-friendly may require additional work and investment in SEO services.

Platform and Technology: The choice of the platform and technologies used can influence costs. Custom-built sites or those on specialized platforms may be more expensive.

Timeline: Tight deadlines often mean more resources need to be allocated, potentially increasing costs.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing and quality assurance are crucial for a smooth launch, and these services come with a price.

Maintenance and Support: Don’t forget to factor in ongoing maintenance and support costs, as websites require updates, security patches, and regular upkeep.

To provide a ballpark figure, a basic website redesign with minimal changes might cost anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000. However, for a comprehensive redesign with advanced features, e-commerce functionality, and custom design, the cost can range from $10,000 to $30,000 or more.

The best approach is to discuss your specific needs with web design professionals or agencies (like us!) and obtain detailed quotes. Remember that investing in a well-executed website redesign is an investment in the future success of your online presence.

Before And Afters: 

Elevating Your B2B Website

Your B2B website is your virtual storefront and the initial point of contact for potential clients. By adhering to these best practices and recognizing the signs that your website needs a makeover, you’re on your way to creating a powerful online presence that can drive leads, boost sales, and solidify your brand’s position in the market.

Need a Little Help With Your Website?

At Digital Storyteller, we recognize that these changes might be beyond your team’s expertise. We know, it’s a lot of work—which is why we’re here to help.

Contact our team at Digital Storyteller today to learn more about how we can support your upcoming website design project or website build.