Tag Archive for: Email

person using laptop on email with email icons popping up

So, you’re a business owner, and your email marketing strategy sucks. It might be ineffective for a number of reasons. Perhaps:

  • Your business doesn’t have the bandwidth to have a consistent email marketing strategy
  • Creative copy isn’t your forte and your emails are boring
  • Or, you didn’t even know you were supposed to be focused on email marketing! (Of course, you have a lot of other things going on while running a business…)

Regardless of what the reason may be, poor email marketing isn’t going to cut it anymore. So, let’s talk about how to fix your email marketing.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing, according to Mailchimp, is “a form of marketing that can make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services.”

Why Is Email Marketing Important?

Email marketing is extremely important for your business. However, promoting products, discounts, and services isn’t the only thing email marketing is used for.

Email marketing is a great way to:

  • Incentivize customer loyalty
  • Educate your audience on the value of your brand
  • Keep clients and prospects engaged between purchases

And yet, according to Inc., 60% of small business owners don’t use email marketing. What a shame!

What Platform Can I Use for My Email Marketing?

There are a TON of platforms you can use in crafting a killer email marketing strategy. At Digital Storyteller, we work with a number of different customer relationship management (CRM) softwares to design, build, and optimize our clients’ email marketing strategies, including:

  • Hubspot
  • Constant Contact
  • Salesforce
  • Pardot
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Stripo

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

How We Create Kicka** Emails

Let’s take your email marketing strategy from meh to awesome! Let’s start off with an example.

Our Most Recent Email Workflow

So, we know we previously mentioned all of the different CRMs you can use… But, it’s not all about the software you use. In fact, what’s IN the email and as well as the CADENCE of your emails is more important than anything.

Here’s a sneak peek into an email workflow Digital Storyteller recently launched for ourselves. It’s a “prospect workflow,” a series of emails are sent to prospective clients to accomplish a specific goal (i.e. onboarding a service or purchasing a product). For us, in this case, it’s to onboard a new content client!

Below is a screenshot of the first email in our prospect email marketing series. The subject line was: “Why Would You Outsource Your Marketing?”

This email received GREAT feedback, with over 600 opens and 48.6% of people read the email (“read,” according to HubSpot, is defined as contacts who have “opened and viewed [the email] for eight or more seconds”).

People responded directly to the number and we got some prospecting calls on the calendar as a result. Why?

  • The email was FUNNY (in our brand voice!)
  • It was punchy yet informative
  • It provided a call to action (“Find out more”)

Emails will look different for everyone as far as brand voice and what your call to action is (depending on what you’re trying to get the reader to do), but here’s what every email should include.

What Every Successful Email Should Include

There are a few elements to consider when crafting awesome emails. (No, it’s not as easy as just slapping something together! Well, it is… But that wouldn’t provide a great ROI, would it?)

Define Your Target Audience

A majority of cold emails get ignored.

This considered, the first thing you need to do is define your target audience. This concept goes further than just creating a list of who your ideal clients are.

You need to understand your target audience at their core. In our prospect email workflow at Digital Storyteller, we used a combination of Andrew Marr’s (the Owner and CEO of Storyteller!) existing LinkedIn database as well as the LinkedIn connections from his Kennected sequence (Kennected is a LinkedIn automation, messaging, and outreach tool that we use) to increase response rates.

Connecting with people prior to emailing them adds a human touch and is a great strategy to practice.

Read on to learn more about how to attract the ideal client.

Catchy Subject Line

For a cold email to get read, you need a catchy subject line.

Your subject line needs to be descriptive, short, and something your ideal client would want to open. Examples of subject lines that have worked for us?

One time we titled a prospect email “We think our clients are sexy…” And boy, was this email a wild success! People were shocked, and of course, opened the email… which then said:

“Get your mind out of the gutter – we mean we think our clients’ businesses (financial services) are sexy… At Digital Storyteller, we work exclusively with financial services companies. It’s our bread and butter.”

Now, we get that this type of subject line won’t work for everyone (we’re Jesters!) – but it works for our brand voice.

At Digital Storyteller, we believe marketing without a brand voice is like a margarita without tequila… Learn more about the importance of brand voice.

Preview Text

Preview text is the words that show up next to or beneath the email subject. It’s a sneak peek of the coming email. And do you know how important it is? Research shows that 24% of people look at preview text before deciding to open and read an email. So, use it to your advantage!


Personalizing an email goes beyond just adding your prospect’s first name to the greeting or subject line.

According to Campaign Monitor, “personalization is when marketers use subscriber data within their email content to make the content feel tailor-made for the individual.” And the result? Personalization “is proven to increase open rates and drive revenue by as much as 760%.” Wowza!

You can take advantage of this by:

  • Adding your recipient’s name
  • Selecting images based on data and customer profiles
  • Personalizing offers and product recommendations
  • Mentioning a mutual friend or contact
  • Mentioning something your prospect has done in the world recently (i.e. business move, family trip, a conference they’ve spoken at, etc.)

Add a Strong Call to Action

Make it easy for your prospect to understand what you’re asking of them. Do you want them to follow you on social media? Do you want them to download a free PDF or brochure? Always be sure to add a clear, strong call to action (CTA).

Follow Up

When it comes to email marketing, it’s not a one-and-done thing. In other words, you need to include follow-up emails!

Not sure what this looks like? Get in touch with us today to learn more about mapping out your email workflows.

A Final Word

So, to recap, email is not dead and is very much a crucial part of your marketing strategy. With that being said, however, we know cold emailing isn’t easy—which is why we’re here to help. Interested in learning more about how we help our clients? Read on to see how we shorten sales cycles for our clients (using email marketing and more!)